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琳达真是非常关心戴维·鲍伊。Linda is really nuts about David Bowie.

在十多个赛季中鲍威打了511场,沃顿468场。Bowie played in 511 games over 10 seasons.

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目前还不清楚这段视频拍摄于何时,鲍伊被羁押在何处。It is unclear when this video was taken in, where Bowie was detained.

参加马克的葬礼的有诸如大卫宝儿和洛德史都华之类的名流们。The funeral was attended by celebrities like David Bowie and Rod Stewart.

他们在迈克尔·乔丹之前选择了萨姆·博伊,一个毕业于肯塔基州大学的中锋。They picked Sam Bowie , a center out of Kentucky, ahead of Michael Jordan.

“你准备好了吗?鲍伊在等你。”文斯松开她时说道。"Are you ready? Bowie is waiting for you, " said Vince when he released her.

“斯特尔海狮巡逻太平洋丰富的食物区靠近加拿大的鲍伊海底山”。A Steller sea lion patrols rich Pacific feeding grounds near Canada's Bowie Seamount.

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斯科特冷冷的点点头。“我很难过听到鲍伊的事情。”他看着吉音说。Scott nodded grimly. "And I'm sorry to hear about Bowie , " he said, meeting her eyes.

我昨天带她参观GMU,你知道的,我桌子上有张鲍威尔的照片。I was showing her around the GMU and, you know, there's that picture of Bowie on my desk.

宝怡及芬妮在深圳经营发廊,客人华哥、阿俊都在追求芬妮。Bowie and Fanny run a hair saloon in Shenzhen. Customers Wah and Chun want to chase Fanny.

他如今在马里兰州鲍伊州立大学就读,所学专业为心理学。He is now studying at Bowie State University in Bowie, Maryland, and majoring in psychology.

香港男星林保怡在微博上否认了带“男友”见家长的传闻。Hong Kong actor Bowie Lam denied a rumor in his micro blog that he introduced his "boyfriend" to his father.

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到了20世纪70年代,连体裤被猫王和大卫•鲍伊这样的知名艺人所采用,令这种风格变得十分流行。The adoption of the jumpsuit by performers such as Elvis and David Bowie made the style very popular in the 1970s.

鲍伊联手与金融家大卫普尔曼发行债券,利用将来的版税,他无数次作为担保。Bowie teamed up with financier David Pullman to issue bonds using future royalties from his numerous hits as guarantee.

宝怡知道后很不满,叫舒馨别相信见一个、追一个的男人,并戏言要舒馨嫁给她。Bowie is very upset about Chun, and tells Angie not to trust the one who flirt around. Bowie makes joke about marrying Angie.

这首歌是为在灾难性的海啸中的受害者写的。这首歌最初是由戴维·鲍伊和弗雷迪水星记录的。This song is for the victims of the disastrous tsunami. This song was originally recorded by David Bowie and Freddie Mercury.

他从她的生活中消失已有六年半之久,但此刻葛洛莉注视着鲍伊•布拉沃,知道自己对他仍有感情。Six and a half years since he'd vanished from her life, Glory gazed up at Bowie Bravo and she knew that she still felt it for him.

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在这部小说里,吸血鬼不会因木桩刺进心脏而死,民间经常用来杀死吸血鬼的方法,而是被猎刀刺死。In the novel, Dracula isn't killed by a wooden stake to the heart, the usual way to kill a vampire in folklore, but by a bowie knife.

我是,我是哈佛大学,肯尼迪政府学院公共关系的特邀高级讲师。Nolan Bowie I'm Nolan Bowie. I'm a senior fellow Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

库尔贝、查理。卓别林,戴维。鲍伊等人都在湖区定居终老,无疑阿尔卑斯山的万千景象令他们心醉其间。Courbet, Charlie Chaplin and David Bowie are among those who settled at Lake Geneva. They are intoxicated, no doubt, at the Alpine panorama.