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恕我直言,这个不成问题。This seems to be a non-issue IMHO.

经典,在我看来现在仍然“没有过时”。A classic that is still "current" IMHO.

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恕我直言,伦敦开幕式大多数地方都很平淡,少数地方很好。London's was too dull for the most part IMHO with a few great moments.

个人认为后期制作时一个非常个人的步骤。However, I feel IMHO that postproduction work is the most personal step.

他说wm5运行太慢,问题太多,不好用,所以不浪费时间去改wm5了。IMHO it is just a waste of time. WM5 is too slow, buggy and inconvenient.

金庸更文艺,恕我直言有时太过文艺。Jin Yong is more literary, which sometimes may get a bit too heavy handed IMHO.

恕我直言,这是规范化最可靠的方法,但它可能有一定的费用。IMHO this is the most reliable method of canonicalization, but it may have certain overheads.

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依我来看,如果你的开发者素质高、守纪律,你才会真正需要一个好的惯例。IMHO if you have quality, disciplined developers, a good convention is what is really required.

我的朋友和我偶尔作过这样的比喻,自己终身不想生孩子的想法一旦公布于众就如同四、五十年代暴露出同性恋家庭一样。IMHO "My friends and I have occasionally likened coming out as child-free to coming out as a gay person 40 or 50 years ago.

我的朋友和我偶尔作过这样的比喻,自己终身不想生孩子的想法一旦公布于众就如同四、五十年代暴露出同性恋家庭一样。IMHO "My friends and I have occasionally likened coming out as child-free to coming out as a gay person 40 or 50 years ago."

恕我直言,如果美国不开征新税或者削减防务支出,那美国将无法走出当前的困境。IMHO there is no way USA can get out of its present predicament except to raise new taxes or cutting expenditure including DEFENSE.

我们该讨论的是用这些话去安慰一个孩子是明智还是愚蠢,但把方济各的话当成是非人类生物死后能上天堂的理论支持则是相当愚蠢。One can argue whether saying such a thing to a child is wise or foolish, but to take Francis' words as a theological pronouncement about afterlife for non-human creatures is just silly, IMHO.