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重力水柜在哪里?Where is the gravitation tank?

这条定律叫做万有引力定律That's the Law of Universal Gravitation.

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地心吸力使苹果落地。An apple falls by the force of gravitation.

最后他发现了伟大的引力定律。Finally he found the great gravitation law.

死去的身体里,血管里只有重力的作用。In the dead body, only gravitation acts on the blood.

这就是万有引力的性质,我们都很了解了。Everybody knows that. It's the property of gravitation.

作用力将只剩下重力,对我或是对壶。Only gravitation would act upon us and we would be weightless.

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一个天体所含的物质很少,它的引力也很小。A body that has very little matter has very little gravitation.

在这个过程中我们尝试获得一个厚纸板的重力场。In the process we will try to achieve gravitation of a cardboard.

万有引力无法用来解释人们是如何坠入情网的。Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.

如果没有地心吸力,我们的脚就不能再站在地面上了。When there is no gravitation , our feet no longer stay on the ground.

正如推翻重力律和自然律非常不易。It is difficult to overthrow the law of gravitation and the laws of nature.

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这个发现揭示了万有引力的起源和物质波的本质。All these show the origin of gravitation and reveal the essence of matter wave.

但是不存在后来牛顿的万有引力说里讲的那种超距作用。But there is no action at a distance, as later in Newton's theory of gravitation.

其次,引力的强度还取决于天体之间的距离。Secondly, the strength of gravitation depends on the distance between the bodies.

位势方程在十八世纪关于引力的研究中已显露头角。The potential equation had figured in the eighteenth-century work on gravitation.

这也表明,物体的质量与重力无关This also tells you that the mass of an object has nothing to do with gravitation.

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现在先来看下基本的例子,把诸如万有引力那些的奇怪事物先放在一边。Now take the fundamental case, forget about gravitation and weird things like that.

球谐分析在地磁学与地球重力学中得到广泛的应用。The method of spherical harmonic analysis is using widely in geomagnetic and gravitation.

地球比此人所含的物质多,所以它的引力把他牢牢地吸住。The earth has more matter than the human being, so its gravitation pulls him to the earth.