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费利克斯死于德韦尔登两千三。Felix de Weldon died in two thousand three.

费利克斯到天堂中的那片大睡莲浮叶上去了。Felix went to that great lily pad in the sky.

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凯伦不准和菲力克斯约会。Karen isn't allowed to go on a date with Felix.

自2008年起,兖州煤业就一直对Felix很有兴趣。Yanzhou has been interested in Felix since 2008.

我可以向你现在的百分之十比费利克斯多一些。I can offer you now ten percent more than Felix did.

它是围绕恒星费利克斯旋转的第四颗行星。It is the fourth planet in orbit around the star Felix.

费利克斯德韦尔登希望确保他有这些正确的。Felix de Weldon wanted to make sure he had them correct.

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菲利克斯德韦尔登很快就一尊雕像真人大小的副本。Felix de Weldon soon made a life-size copy of the statue.

我说的是好话,真实可靠到和我叫斐利克斯·多罗米埃一样。It is true that my name is Felix Tholomyes, I speak well.

现在不能说费利克斯没有尽最大努力。Now this is not to say that Felix wasn't trying his best.

费利克斯恳求主人放他一条生路,可主人对他的请求置之不理。Felix pleaded for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

在一九四六年,菲利克斯德韦尔登重新开始的。In nineteen forty-six, Felix de Weldon started all over again.

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现在,菲利克斯鲍姆加特纳想要做同样的事情在自由落体。Now Felix Baumgartner wants to do the same thing, in freefall.

胡尔维茨是菲利克斯·克莱因的学生和大卫·希尔伯特的老师。Hurwitz was a student of FELIX KLEIN and teacher of DAVID HILBERT.

当时Felix先生看到那张化验单明显被雷到了的样子。At that time Mr. Felix goes to see a single clear test was mine to look.

Felix采用备注卡片和纸片夹来捕捉和组织他的灵感和想法。Felix uses note cards and paper clips to capture and organize his ideas.

在德国盖尔森基兴小镇的养老院,一位妇女正在喂一头名叫Felix的猪。A woman feeds a pig called Felix in a retirement home in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

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理查德史密斯和Felix伯纳德写的歌曲早在三四年。Richard Smith and Felix Bernard wrote the song way back in nineteen thirty-four.

也许在晚些时候,他将和主教练马加特谈话,看他如何看待这些事情。Maybe later, he will talk with the coach Felix Magath and see how he views things.

在赛昂攻击之前,费利克斯·盖塔做了多久值班军官?Felix Gaeta served as Senior Officer of the Watch for how long before the Cylon attack?