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当我讲故事的时侯,我过得非常开心。I feel very happy when I am storytelling.

讲故事的技艺深植于十九世纪的灵魂。Storytelling was deep in the nineteenth-century soul.

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本片是一齣为喜爱说故事的观众度身订造的电影。This is a film for those who delight in storytelling.

围坐在篝火边讲故事的传统早已屈服于书写和记录。Storytelling around a fire yielded to the written word.

其他的部分还包括演讲,讲故事以及新闻广播。Other areas include speech, storytelling and newscasting.

显而易见,讲述故事在历史著述中占有相当大的一部分。Clearly storytelling is a big part of how history is written.

这是我对自己的失望,不宜用来说书。This is my own disappointment, not suitable for storytelling.

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讲故事是许多传统文化的一个重要组成部分。Storytelling is an important part of many cultural traditions.

Honigman说,这是协作叙事的一个实验。Honigman said it is an experiment in crowdsourced storytelling.

请写出你对故事教学的感受及意见。Please list your feeling and opion on the storytelling program.

然而,这并不意味着讲故事适用于任何情况。But that doesn't mean storytelling is right for every situation.

许多贺信都是一段话对应一个人的格式。Many follow the one-person-per-paragraph approach to storytelling.

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现今,叙述故事所产生的力量更应该被广泛的利用。Now more than ever, the power of storytelling ought to be harnessed.

讲述情节方面,我想跟别人有不同的方向。But in terms of storytelling I wanted to go in a different direction.

观星,从讲故事的一切都是共同完成时的乐趣。Everything from storytelling to stargazing is fun when done together.

有流利的复述和可读性,并可以用说故事。The retellings are fluent and readable, and could be used for storytelling.

对我而言,它既是浪漫喜剧的典范,在叙事上亦是大师级作品。For me, it's the prototype romantic comedy and a masterclass in storytelling.

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应该负责故事讲述以及它的细节部分。and should be in charge of the storytelling, the details of the storytelling.

天空中的火球是个通讯设备,所有信息都通过它来传播。Sky fireballs are great storytelling devices. I use them in everything I write.

这是一个本书所使用的讲故事系统的单词表。This is a glossary of general Storytelling System terms used throughout this book.