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但甜菜罗宋汤是最常见的一种。However, beet borscht is the most common form of this soup.

罗宋汤在德国和东欧很常见的菜肴。Borscht is a very common dish in Germany and Eastern Europe.

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罗宋汤在东海岸很普遍,尤其在纽约。Borscht is most common on the east coast, especially in New York.

冷罗宋汤在德系犹太人的烹饪传统中较常见。Cold borscht is common to the culinary traditions of Ashkenazi Jews.

当然,在犹太人的传统中,罗宋汤是从来不放猪肉的。Of course, in the Jewish tradition, borscht is never made with pork.

罗宋汤可以用烘烤过的苹果和熏鹅脯来提味。Borscht can be spiced up with roasted apples and smoked goose breast.

俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤和荤菜著名于世。Russian cuisine is famous for its soups such as borscht and meat dishes.

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热罗宋汤也可以加入诸如鸡肉、猪肉或牛肉等肉类。Hot borscht might also be made with meats such as chicken, pork, or beef.

俄罗斯菜以它的各种汤和荤菜闻名于世。Russian cuisine is famous for its soups, such as borscht and meat dishes.

罗宋汤是一种源自乌克兰浓菜汤,在东欧和中欧国家广受欢迎。Borscht is a popular soup of Ukrainian origin in Eastern and Central Europe.

还有不含甜菜的罗宋汤,例如用番茄酱做的橙色罗宋汤。Non-beet varieties also exist, such as the tomato paste-based orange borscht.

冷罗宋汤比热罗宋汤更清淡,而且几乎只有蔬菜。Cold borscht is much thinner than hot borscht and is almost always vegetarian.

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事实上,在纽约市,有几十家餐馆供应自家所制的罗宋汤。In fact, in New York City, there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht.

冬天是喝汤的季节,在寒冷的冬夜,喝一碗热乎乎的罗宋汤是保暖的好方法。Winter and soup go together, eating a bowl of hot borscht is an excellent way to warm up on a cold winter night.

就好比那该死的罗宋汤,“你从不会对自己的想象失望,而让你失望的只有现实。”And taste like borscht. "You’re never disappointed by your imagination, but you can be very disappointed by reality, ” he says.

点一杯热奶茶,或者品尝一下融合了粤式和西式烹饪特点的美食,比如罗宋汤,铁板牛排。Order a hot milk tea or sample the city's hybrid Canto-Western cuisine like Russian Borscht or a steak on a sizzling cast iron hotplate.

卡内基熟食店以它的三层三明治和名人主顾而闻名遐迩,那里也供应全美最美味的罗宋汤。While the Carnegie Deli is famous for its triple-decker sandwiches and celebrity clientele, it also serves some of the best borscht in the country.

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冷罗宋汤是美国最常见的一种罗宋汤,因为最初犹太移民带来的就是这种。Cold borscht is the most common type of borscht served in the United States, because it was this type of borscht that Jewish immigrants brought with them.

尽管罗宋汤在美国不像鸡汤面条和番茄汤一样受欢迎,但它很常见,尤其是在犹太人聚居的大型社区。Although it is not as popular as chicken noodle or tomato soups, borscht is common in the United States, especially in areas with large Jewish communities.

它是用甜菜、洋葱、少许糖和柠檬汁做成的一种甜汤,通常会在碗中间放一块酸奶油作装饰。It is a sweet soup made of beets, onion, a bit of sugar, and lemon juice. Cold borscht is often garnished with a dollop of sour cream at the center of the bowl.