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我们想要两间邻接的双人房。Can we have two adjoining double rooms, sir?

我们想要两间相邻的双人房。Can we have two adjoining double rooms, Miss Chen?

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从隔邻房间里传出一阵笑声。A sound of laughter issued from the adjoining room.

乌尔班纳伊利诺伊州中东部的城市,临近尚佩恩。A city of east-central Illinois adjoining Champaign.

毗連天后庙道对开的一条支路。It is adjoining a branch road off Tin Hau Temple Road.

她的侄子,杰希的父亲,在相邻的土地上耕作。Her nephew, Jesse's father, worked in an adjoining field.

邻桌那些人惊讶地看着她。People at adjoining tables looked at her in astonishment.

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综合体尽端是一个庭院,与放射性布局的研讨室毗邻。The complex ends in a court adjoining the radial workshop.

垫圈的空穴应该面向临近法兰的外面。The gasket cavity should face out to the adjoining flange.

这时一位为真理而死的人被安放在隔壁墓室里。When one who died for Truth , was lain in an adjoining room.

连毗连的墙壁都愈发地美丽。Even the walls of the adjoining house seemed to grow beautiful.

在修道院和邻接的建筑里设置一间复合套房。an apartment complex in the convent and the adjoining buildings.

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隔壁是她的卧室,毕比的卧榻和她的并排放着。Adjoining was her bed room, with Bibi's couch along side her own.

后来他买下了附近共计超过8000英亩的土地。He later bought adjoining properties totaling more than 8,000 acres.

从小她就爱上了隔壁邻居皮剌摩斯。From her childhood she loved Pyramus who lived in an adjoining house.

沿毗邻鸿图道行人路的臨街地界。It lies along the frontage adjoining to the pavement at Hung To Road.

古晋的独立广场和毗邻的独立皇宫酒店。Kuching's Merdeka Palace Hotel &Suites and the adjoining Padang Merdeka.

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以这种方式合并节点可以避免堆内存碎片化。Adjoining of nodes in this manner prevents fragmentation of memory in heap.

隔壁排着书籍的小房间里,还有个小女孩躺在沙发里看书。In the adjoining book-lined snug, another girl is lying on the sofa, reading.

連接往毗邻新东海商业中心的行人通道。It connects to the pedestrian walkway of the adjoining New East Ocean Centre.