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被截留的固体物称为滤饼或滤渣。Interception of solid content called filter cake or cake.

其他的指标同样适合截取模式。Other standard metrics also fit the interception pattern.

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显然这些拦截工作做得非常成功。The interception efforts have apparently been successful.

提出了一种混合的系统调用拦截和检测体制。Bring birth a hybrid system-call interception and detection measure.

有某些情况下直接支持截取栈概念。In some cases directly support the concept of an interception stack.

这为地方官员带来了加大拦截力度的压力。This put pressure on local officials to step up their interception efforts.

内场手截球并从外场将球投回本垒板。The interception by an infielder of a throw to home plate from the outfield.

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北韩表示会将任何直接拦截其货船的行为视为战争行为。North Korea says it would regard any direct interception of its ships as an act of war.

然后他讨论了常用的收集器模式,比如轮询、监听、拦截。Then he reviews common collector patterns, such as polling, listening, and interception.

最近也写了一个数据报截取程序,但有问题,请进。Recently reported the interception of a data write process, but there are problems, Come.

结果证明其在下一代网络中实施合法监听是可行的、安全的。The result proves this implementation of lawful interception in NGN is feasible and safe.

阔叶林林冠截留能力最强,其次为混交林林、灌丛、楠竹林。Broad-leaved forest canopy interception most, followed by mixed forest, shrubs, bamboo forest.

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两种模式的林冠在遇暴雨时截留量相对很小,对减少径流而言作用是较小的。The interception of the canopy of the two modes was relatively lower, do little to decreasing runoff.

该文主要介绍南明河截污沟工程总体设计。The paper mainly introduces the general design of the Nanming River Sewage Interception Ditch Project.

监听的技术性与秘密性决定了它在真实发现上的独到优势。The technicality and secrecy of interception determine its unique advantage in ascertaining the truth.

功能需要限制为授权的用户,需要对数据进行保护,以防止被窃听。Functionality needs to be limited to authorized users and data needs to be protected from interception.

这样看来,武胜县政府在以强制欺骗手段截取这笔民政补助款了。So then, WuSheng county in to have compulsory fraudulent means the civil affairs grant the interception.

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无线网络与有线网络不同,容易被攻击、截听,安全性易受到威胁。Wireless network is different from fixed network and its security is threatened by attack and interception.

这个源代码是利用钩子与API截获技术来获得键盘输入的好东东。This source code is the use of hooks and API interception techniques to obtain good Dongdong keyboard input.

日本内阁官房长官武雄河村表示,“安全保障会议”可能会批准拦截行动。Chief Japanese Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura says the council is likely to approve an interception attempt.