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高斯向他指出证明是错误的。Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious.

小高斯是第一个作出答案的孩子。Little Gauss was the first one to give the answer.

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很重加强的方尖石塔启动高斯武器。Heavily Fortified Obelisks activate Gauss weaponry.

对抗高斯炮和离子炮的时候没有快速射击。It hasn't rapid fire against plasma and gauss cannons.

高斯高炉不再使用小行星的旅游效应。Gauss Blast no longer uses asteroid for its travel effect.

重的高斯大炮是更效果的在敏锐的车辆装甲。The Heavy Gauss Cannon is more effective at penetrating vehicle armor.

这是我的c14飞镖式电磁穿透步枪!有很多把长得像它,但这把是我的。This is my C14 Impaler Gauss rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine!

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伟大的数学家高斯1800年就创造过一个。In fact, the great mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss had his own version in 1800.

研究了广义高斯和的分形序列及其M-J集。The fractal sequence and Mandelbrot-Julia sets of generalized Gauss sums are studied.

装备被校正穿透车辆和建筑物装甲的高斯爆破工。Equipped with Gauss Blasters that are calibrated to penetrate vehicle and building armor.

首先优化技术,这是被称为最速下降,可追溯到高斯。The first optimization technique, which is known as steepest descent, goes back to Gauss.

曲面积分的概念及其计算,高斯公式和斯托克斯公式。The definition and computations of the surface integral, Gauss formula and Stokes formula.

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利用高斯光束的无限腔长相位共轭腔理论分析了这种跟瞄方法的可行性。The possibility of this method is proved by Gauss beam phase conjugating resonator theory.

在指标计算中,高斯积分法以其代数精度高经常受到人们的青睐。Gauss Integral method is populated due to its high algebraic accuracy in index calculation.

提出一种利用正态分布曲线确定自整定PD控制器输出变量论域的方法。Gauss curve is used to determine a fuzzy self-turning PD autopilot output parameters field.

属于、关于高斯或他的关于磁学、电学、天文学或概率的数学理论的。Gauss or his mathematical theories of magnetics or electricity or astronomy or probability.

针对求解过程中的数学病态性,采用高斯函数约束枚举法进行正则化约束计算。Regarding the ill posed problems, a regulation method is given by enumerating gauss function.

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通过典型例题,归纳出用高斯定理求解场强问题的四种类型。Do sum up four types using Gauss law to solute the Field strength problems by typical instances.

而变形熔池表面的电流密度和热流密度分布则不再符合近似的高斯分布。But current density and heat flux on deformed weld pool surface are not similar Gauss distribution.

它又被叫做高斯—格林定理,或者就是高斯定理,这取决于你想说谁。It is also known as the Gauss-Green theorem or just the Gauss theorem, depending in who you talk to.