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什么礼物!What present?

现在还没有。Not at present.

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君与吾均未出席。You nor I was present.

我有个礼物要送你。I have present for you.

现值是什么What is a present value?

爱便是厚礼。Love is always a present.

你不送给玛利亚一份送别礼物吗?Maria a good-bye present?

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现在正是时候/只争朝夕。No time like the present.

呈现刘星的一家。Present Liu Xing's family.

这将是一份很好的礼物。It will be a great present.

她对他的礼物嗤之以鼻。She sniffed at his present.

感谢你赠送礼品。Thank you for your present.

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他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。The guests are all present.

客人都来齐了。The guests are all present.

一个小小的临别礼物。A little going-away present.

菲利波是最后一个做答辩陈述的。Filippo was last to present.

他给我送了回礼。He sent me a return present.

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如果目前冰机检查。Check ice machine if present.

目前他正在上海。He is at present in Shanghai.

我在这里没有同伴。I have no peers present here.