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放鱼的柳条编织的篮子。A wicker basket used to hold fish.

她跪下来看,发现了柳条婴儿。Kneeling, she found the wicker baby.

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柳条丈夫是用柳树做的。The wicker husband was made of willow.

一架架柳条鸟笼悬挂在枝下。He dumped the spoons in a wicker basket.

他将不常用的东西放入柳条包。He put rarely-used things into the wicker bag.

难道柳条丈夫不高大而优雅吗?Hadn't the wicker husband been tall and graceful?

然后,柳条丈夫去了村里的小酒馆。Next, the wicker husband went to the village inn.

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这是一家专门制作柳条帽的工厂。The factory specializes in wicker safety helmets.

老制篮商带着柳条丈夫回到家里。The old basket-maker took the wicker husband home.

他将不常用的东西放入柳条包。A wicker box which is made of skinless white twigs.

终于有一天,不再有声音从小柳条鸟笼里传出。One day no song came up from the little wicker cage.

所以这次我用黑刺李做了柳条女子。Therefore I made you the wicker lady from blackthorn.

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木凳、柳条席、碗碟和各式各样的其他物品。Stools wicker mats food bowls and sundry other objects.

谁带来的礼物最好,谁就可以拥有这个柳条女人。Whoever brings me the best gift can have the wicker woman.

裁缝开门一看,是丑女孩的柳条丈夫站在门外。When the tailor opened it, the wicker husband stood outside.

“这其中有很多的运气成分,”威克尔表示。"A lot of serendipitous stuff came into play, " Wicker says.

他抓起婴儿向火上扔去,同时柳条丈夫大叫一声向着孩子的方向一跃而起。At this, the wicker husband let out a yell. Forward he leapt.

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把柳条剥去皮,通体呈白色,就叫白柳条。Shuck wicker skin, connect body to show white, call white wicker.

就是把柳条编成花环戴在头上,或者插在屋檐下。It means making a hoop out of wicker and sticking it under the eave.

可怜的柳条丈夫只好走到柜台后面给自己倒了杯酒。The poor wicker husband went behind the bar, and poured himself a drink.