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安达曼和尼科巴岛链共包括572个岛屿。The Andaman and Nicobar chains comprise 572 islands.

西蒙余兴节目最扣人心弦的地方是在安达曼海湾。Simon Cabaret the most exciting place to be on the Andaman Gulf.

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一东南亚国家,位于孟加拉湾和安达曼海岸边。A country of southeast Asia on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

现在,这只已经退休的大家伙在安达曼岛上从事拉木材这种工作已经30年了。The now retired pachyderm hauled timber in the Andaman Islands for 30 years.

缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.

缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。A Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.

我们看到,是在安达曼海岸线的壮观日落之一。What we witnessed, was one of those spectacular sunsets on the Andaman coastline.

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在岛屿点缀的安达曼海,一个海上游牧名族找到了生活的平衡。In island-dappled waters of the Andaman Sea, a nomadic way of life hangs in the balance.

安达曼和尼科巴群岛失踪人数达5540人,其中大部分可能已经死亡。On the Andaman & Nicobar Islands there are 5, 583 people missing of whom most might have died.

英国1858年在阿曼达群岛上建立了殖民地,到1947年殖民地独立。British colonies were first established on the Andaman Islands in 1858 and remained until 1947.

大安达曼部落目前居住在中安达曼的一个名叫海峡岛的小岛上。The current home of the Great Andamanese is Strait Island, a small island of Middle Andaman Region.

这张图片显示了印度洋安达曼群岛附近的内波和表面流。This image shows both internal waves and surface waves on the Indian Ocean near the Andaman Islands.

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在缅甸墨群岛附近的安达曼海海域,一名莫肯渔民在他的渔船上做事。A Moken fisherman works on his boat in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago.

我们停泊在白色的沙滩旁,我眼中伊洛瓦底江的景色换成了安达曼海蓝绿色的波涛。As we dock beside a white beach, I trade the sight of the Irrawaddy for the aquamarine waves of the Andaman Sea.

缅甸的港口城市毛淡棉位于安达曼群海的东南部,曾经是殖民时期缅甸孟省的省会。This is Moulmein, a port town and the colonial-era capital of Burma's Mon state, on the south-eastern Andaman coast.

云南有4个地震活跃期,但安达曼弧与缅甸平原却只有3个,缺失第3活跃期。There are 4 seismic active periods in Yunnan, but only 3 in Andaman Arc and Myanmar, lacking of the third active period.

载有净水等物资的美国海军军舰仍然在缅甸海岸外的安达曼海上候命。Also standing by are U.S. Navy ships loaded with purified water and other supplies off the Burmese coast in the Andaman Sea.

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大安达曼人原分10个部落,在1858年安达曼岛沦为英国殖民地时共有五千名成员。Originally 10 distinct tribes, the Great Andamanese were5,000-strong when the British colonized the Andaman Islands in 1858.

泰国南部是一个狭长的半岛,一直延伸到马来西亚,与暹罗湾和安达曼海为邻。Southern Thailand is a long peninsula, stretching down to Malaysia and bordered by the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea.

我告诉你,除了在安达曼岛囚犯营的三个人和我自己以外,别人全没有权利要这些宝物。I tell you that no living man has any right to it, unless it is three men who are in the Andaman convict-barracks and myself.