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价格范畴是多少?What's the price ambit?

生活不目标就像航海没有罗盘。Living after an aim is like captaining after a ambit.

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这件案子显然属于2001年法案的范围。This case falls clearly within the ambit of the 2001 act.

他们只是简单地在有限范围的内部工作They're simply working within their own very narrow ambit.

我们会检讨各个有关楼宇安全贷款基金的适用范围。We will review the ambit of loan funds for building safety.

身处其中,悠然自在,神游万里而至物我两忘之境界。That is the all forgotten ambit of your leisureliness in it.

可以说,香港真是一个不断汇聚各种风格的餐厅的城市。So, Hong Kong really is a city with an expanding ambit of restaurants.

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艺术又是一个开放性的概念,不断地修正自己的界限,接纳新成员。Art as an open concept revises ambit continually and takes on new member.

其四,混淆机械决定论和辩证决定论的局限。Finally, it confuses the ambit of historical determinism and historical non-determinism.

还有一个实用的原因,我们不应该保留的Lokpal的61日下午进行。There is another practical reason why we ought not to keep the PM out of the Lokpal's ambit.

在日本暴露自己显然受制于公开猥亵罪的范围或轻罪。Exposing yourself in Japan would apparently come under the ambit of a public indecency crime or a misdemeanor.

海界,指人为划定的一定海域的地理界限,在不同时代有不同的空间范围。Sea boundary, an ambit of the given sea area delimited by people, has different spatial are- as in different eras.

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卸货港可以按信用证中的规定显示为一组港口或某个地舆区域。The port of discharge may aswell be appearancen as a ambit of ports or a bounded breadth, as stated in the credit.

党的十六届六中全会开辟了中国特色社会主义事业的新境界。The party's sixth plenary of sixteen session carved out a new ambit of Chinese characteristics socialistic affairs.

在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.

在合法性审查的范围内,建立强制侦查司法审查制度也是可行的。Further, it is feasible to set up a judicial review regime for compulsory investigation within the ambit of rationality.

我构想我能达到的境界,我能成为什么样的选手。我深知我的目标,我集中精力,到达那里。I imagine what ambit I can reach, what kinds of player I can become, Ireally know my goal, I concentrate myself to get there.

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要消除四大旅游带之间的“中心-外围”界限,促进四大旅游带的互动发展,建立一体化旅游市场,必须发挥政府的主导作用。The government should pay an important role to eliminate the ambit of "core-periphery" and built a integration tourism market.

教育无痕是教育的最高境界,真爱、宽容、智慧是施教者必备的修养。Traceless education is the supreme ambit of education. True love, tolerance and wisdom are the virtues that all educators should bear.

学校教育的最终目的是培养集真、善、美于一身的健全的人,这也是教育的最高境界。The uttermost aim of school education is to develop a wholesome man with truth, kindness and beauty. This is also the highest ambit of education.