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右翼下加装了搜索探照灯。A searchlight is added in the right wing.

他向飞机打探照灯。He played a searchlight upon the aeroplane.

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我们常打开探照灯照她们,好让她们安静下来。We used to turn the searchlight on them to quiet them.

探照灯的抛物面反射镜发出平行光束。The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam.

冲击波能揭示出星际介质的结构,扮演着探照灯的角色。The shock acts as a searchlight by revealing the structure of the interstellar medium.

突然,江边数个探照灯齐开,探照灯光柱在江面上扫视。All of a sudden, the river several searchlights qi, the searchlight beam scanning on the river.

他第一个想到的大概是用灯笼或者探照灯来制造出光亮。The first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a searchlight.

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他现在参与了对影片制作方福克斯探照灯制片厂的共同起诉,案件尚未判决。He's now part of a open class-action lawsuit against Fox Searchlight Pictures, the film's producer.

最新消息称,摄像头照到了井下被困矿工落下的头盔,探照头灯依然明亮。Latest news, camera shine the miners trapped underground by falling helmet, searchlight headlights are still bright.

福克斯探照灯影片公司的诉讼代理人拒绝就此事接受美国全国公共电台的访问,不过他们就本案发表了一份声明。Representatives from Fox Searchlight declined to speak with NPR for this story, but they did issue a statement about the case.

现在福克斯探照灯公司和华纳兄弟公司相信他对各种主题中的险恶元素都能驾轻就熟——“谁想成为百万富翁?”Now Fox Searchlight and Warner Bros. are trusting him to handle the most sinister of all topics, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

一个具有同轴双反光碗的新型结构的砷化镓红外探照灯在1985年正式使用于警用红外夜视仪中。GaAs infrared searchlight with novel structure of a coaxial double reflective bowls was used in 1985 for police night vision device.

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被引爆的居民楼处浓烟直冲云霄,直升机在楼上空盘旋,探照灯来回搜索地面。Smoke rose into the night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a helicopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchlight.

在其制作过程中我也十分愉快,我期待能和我在福克斯的老朋友们一起工作以确保多伦多内外的观众们能够尽兴观看。I had a great time making this movie and I look forward to working with my old friends at Searchlight to ensure that audiences at Toronto and beyond have a great time watching it.

天文台在香港国际机场设有云幂仪及云幂灯,可以准确量度该站上空低云的云底高度。At the hong kong international airport , ceilometers and cloud searchlight are installed to facilitate accurate measurements of the height of the base of low clouds above the station.

这些定位继续时部署雷达集介绍,希望说服德国,美国探照灯营仍然依赖于声的位置。These locators continued to be deployed when radar sets were introduced, in the hope of convincing the Germans that the US searchlight battalions were still dependant on acoustic location.

三是高炮师,装备有37毫米高射炮30门,57毫米高射炮16门,85毫米高射炮11门,100毫米高射炮7门,还有探照灯部队和雷达部队。Third, anti-aircraft division, 37 millimeters equipped with 30 anti-aircraft guns, 16 anti-aircraft 57-mm, 85 mm anti-aircraft 11, 100 mm anti-aircraft gun 7, and searchlight units and radar units.