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但每项新任务完成的水准都会下降。But with every new task our performance is degrading.

这像是给美国偶像打分.It's like auditioning forAmerican Idol, but less degrading.

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icer是细胞降解RNA的内在机制Dicer is an internal cellular mechanism for degrading RNA's.

这个欧洲委员会谴责这个法律的施行是可耻的。The Council of Europe condemned the practice as "degrading."

他认为在餐馆洗盘子是下贱的工作。He felt it was a degrading job to wash dishes at a restaurant.

被限制在轮椅上不仅让人郁闷,有辱尊严,而且对健康非常不利。CONFINEMENT to a wheelchair is not merely annoying and degrading.

编辑你的场面无惧有辱人格的视频质量。Edit your scenes without the fear of degrading the video quality.

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你并不指望他真的干出这些有失身份的事?You would not expect him actually to perform those degrading acts?

她感到他让她向主管人报告是在侮辱她。She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director.

谢谢,乐庭,以铺设的神话降解巴卢休息。Thanks, Terence, for laying the myth of the degrading Barlow to rest.

脉冲光会跟着一起散开,并会渗入噪音并使信号损失。Pulses of light can bleed together, adding noise and degrading the signal.

我并不认为它是对女人或者是男人或动物们或非动物的侮辱。I don’t think it’s degrading to women or men or animals or inanimate objects.

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降解农药的放线菌主要有诺卡氏菌属、链霉属等。The major pesticide degrading actinomycetes were Nocardia, Streptomyces, etc.

苯酚的加入有利于微生物对3-氯酚的利用。It was in favor of microorganism degrading 3-chlorophenol by adding in phenol.

连语义学都合谋把一切凡有“黑”字的东西说成是丑的、卑劣的。Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading.

没有任何事情比饥饿更加可耻,尤其是人为的饥饿。"Nothing is more degrading than hunger, especially when it is man made, " he said.

但死期只能迟延这么长时间,有时等待却很可怕而有辱人格。But death can be delayed only so long, and sometimes the wait is grim and degrading.

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退败笋体的IAAO活性随退败程度加深而增大。The activity of IAAO of degraded shoots increased with the increase of degrading degree.

每个女人认为或感觉罪行本身带来的羞耻感正在削弱。Every woman already knows, and far worse, feels, the degrading shame of the crime itself.

负面、不信任、恐惧或卑劣的态度对任何人来说都会伤害自身。Negative, distrustful, fearful, or degrading attitudes toward anyone work agai t the self.