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生活就像一个安息日。Live like a Seventh Day Adventist.

我是西安基督复临复临安息日会的一员。I am a member of Xi'an Sabbath Day Adventist church.

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这些都是每一位基督复临安息日会信徒需要解决的问题。These are issues that need to be settled by every Seventh-day Adventist.

络玛·林达大学是高等教育教会体制的一个组成部分。LLU is part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's system of higher education.

我母亲是一个基督复临安息日会教友。My mother was a Seventh-Day Adventist and took my sister and me every Saturday.

莫尔是现代化的心脏疾病治疗机构─槟榔屿基督复临安息日教会医院的行政主管。Mohr is administrator of Penang Adventist Hospital, a state-of-the-art heart treatment facility.

那使基督复临安息日会的信徒成为特别子民的真理,无一是可以削弱的。No line of truth that has made the Seventh-day Adventist people what they are, is to be weakened.

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古来基督复临安息日会的网站为您提供每周聚会录音、教友介绍及其他分享。Find out the weekly podcast, church member introduction, and other sharing in Kulai Seveth-Day Adventist Church.

成员在该地区对于素食者的营养有著杰出的贡献。Members of the Seventh-day Adventist church have made outstanding contributions in the area of vegetarian nutrition.

在多次的祷告和回应上帝的感召,他负笈香港三育基督学院神学系。Responding to God's call with much prayer and consideration, he entered Hong Kong Adventist College to study ministry.

今天在复临教会中存在着一种几乎挥之不去的骄傲,在教会组织的集体结构中显出近乎着迷的自信。There exists in the Adventist church today an almost obsessive pride and confidence in the corporate structure of the organization.

一些复临教会的牧师害怕讲教义的题目,改革的信息或是成圣的主题可能会被批评为太严厉了,没有爱心。Some Adventist pastors are fearful that doctrinal subjects, reformatory messages or sanctification topics might be criticized as harsh and unloving.

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1979年,美国加州本会学院的一位教授,公开发表了在本会信仰发生重大分歧的言论。In 1979 Desmond Ford, a professor at an Adventist college in California, gave a public presentation that signaled a major break with the church's beliefs.

1974年读完博士后,我受聘在安得烈大学任教,这是座落在密歇根州伯林溪的基督复临安息日会的学术机构。After completing my doctorate in 1974, I was invited to teach at Andrews University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.

在这潜意识广告和媒体娱乐失控的年代里,基督复临安息日会的教友面临着前所未有的挑战。In these days of subliminal advertising and out of-control media entertainment, Seventh-day Adventist Christians have never stood in a more threatened position.

卫牧师双亲曾任印尼的布道士,在北美、非洲、南亚及太平洋岛屿工作。Neal Wilson's parents spent their lives ministering for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Indonesia, North America, Africa, Southern Asia, and the South Pacific.

他们曾担任全总的首长,及教会分会会长,这是安息日会历史中罕有的情况。Each of the Wilsons also served as officers of the General Conference, and each has been president of a division of the world church—a unique circumstance in Adventist history.

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加州的罗玛琳达以其高度集中的基督复临安息日会教友闻名于世,而在那里信仰基督再临的人比一般美国人的平均寿命要长11岁。Loma Linda, California, boasts the highest concentration of Seventh-Day Adventists in the world, and the average Adventist man lives 11 years longer than the average American man.

什叶派信众对于长期期待的隐遁伊玛目复临的失望,是谢赫学派产生的重要历史根源。The important historical origin of conformation of the Sheikh School was that the Shiite believers lost their patience for a long time in looking forward to the reclusive Adventist Imam.

符美洁师母自幼小在新加坡重生堂长大,14岁开始让邓碧玉医生带领下查经,并在1991年受洗归入主的大家庭。Estelle Foo, his wife grew up as an Adventist kid in Singapore Chinese SDA Church. At 14, Dr Tan Pik Yee started to give her bible studies along with other girls leading her to be baptised in 1991.