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一成火焰蝾代人受过被毁坏。A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed.

“你说的火蛇是什么样的动物?”王子问。"What kind of beast is your salamander?" asked the Prince.

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最大的青蛙的世界,是在中国大鲵。The largest frog in the world is the giant salamander in China.

但蝾螈胚胎却会吸引藻类进入组织和细胞。But a salamander embryo can attract algae. Inside its tissues and cells.

长有永久性外部鳃的欧洲穴居水栖蝾螈。European cave-dwelling aquatic salamander with permanent external gills.

这项试验还需要在其它种类的蝾螈身上独立进行。The experiment needs to be replicated independently in other salamander species.

令人难以置信——蝾螈酶终有一天能使人类的器官和四肢再生Incredible salamander enzyme that could one day let humans regrow organs and limbs

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你只能在灼烫火蜥蜴进行攻击时使用此异能,并且一回合只能使用一次。Play this ability only if Scalding Salamander is attacking and only once each turn.

自从其在1941年首次被发现后就从人们的视线中消失了。There had been no sightings of this salamander since its initial discovery in 1941.

娃娃鱼,大鲵,蝾螈的一种,产自墨西哥。The axolotl, a neotenic species of salamander, a salamander that does not go through metamorphosis.

我们期望通过3年的努力,把大鲵产业做大做强。We look forward to 3 years through the efforts of the industry giant salamander bigger and stronger.

但Kerney正在研究水藻是如何进入蝾螈细胞的,而一些以前的研究给他提供了帮助。But Kerney is probing how algae enter salamander cells, and some earlier findings are proving helpful.

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人们上一次看到火蜥蜴还是在1941年,这次人们利用绳索进入很深的森林洞穴后再次发现了它。The salamander was last seen in 1941, and was rediscovered by abseiling into caves deep in the forest.

“这并非不可能”,安东尼说,“如果蜥蜴做得到,为什么人类不可以?”“It is not outside the realm of possibility, ” Atala says. “If a salamander can do it, why can’t a human?”

还讨论了中国大鲵肝脏的一般形态结构特点。The general structural morphology of the liver of the Chinese giant salamander is also discussed in the paper.

雄鲵从此就要担当所有的孵卵任务,直至15—40天后,小“娃娃鱼”分散生活为止。Salamander will henceforth play all the hatch mandate until 15 -40 days later, the small "giant" scattered live.

霍奇米尔科湖周围的土地干旱荒芜,少有动物栖息,成年水蜥在那里难以觅食。Lake Xochimilco is surrounded by dry, bare land – a desolate habitat that provides little for an adult salamander.

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但肚皮上呈黄色的,还有一些斑点,外形看上去的确与娃娃鱼很相似。However, the yellow belly, and there are still some spots, and the giant salamander shape looks very similar indeed.

“抱着随便玩玩想法,我决定对一个还没孵化蝾螈胚胎进行长时间荧光照射并观察了其图像,”克尼说。"On a lark, I decided to take a long-exposure fluorescent image of a pre-hatchling salamander embryo, " says Kerney.

云豹和日本大蝾螈是首次在美国国家动物园展出。The clouded leopard and Japanese giant salamander are new residents, on display in the National Zoo for the first time.