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所以是纵向相互联系的。So it's vertically interconnected.

竖直地将右腿伸直。Straighten the right leg vertically.

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那么什么叫简单的竖直区域?So, what's a vertically simple region?

病人只能直挺挺地坐在床上。The patient can only sits vertically in bed.

我们把它分割为垂直简单的部分。Well, we cut it into vertically simple pieces.

不要将筷子竖直叉在一碗米饭上。Impaling your chopsticks vertically in a bowl of rice.

这条路有时是垂直向上的。The path takes us sometimes almost vertically upwards.

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竹简就是一条竹片,上面的字是沿着竹竿垂直往下读的。A slip is a tablet read vertically down the bamboo stalk.

一段时间,水平选择场地或者空间垂直地。For Space, select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically.

身处乌拉山挺直山间的兴奋。The thrill of existing anywhere vertically above the Urals.

我们就是横着读,竖着写。Let's just read the it horizontally and write it vertically.

这个值会在用户调整窗口竖直大小时更新。The value updates as the user resizes the window vertically.

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无热伸长的管道吊架,吊杆应垂直安装。Non-heating stretching pipe hanger should be fixed vertically.

蚀变在水平和垂向上具有分带性。Alteration and mineralization zone vertically and horizontally.

利用柜顶的四只吊耳,将开关柜垂直吊起使其与底盘脱离。Lift the switchgear vertically and separate it from the underpan.

元素标签与元素文本节点是垂直堆放的。The element labels and element text nodes are stacked vertically.

圆柱型积木一般竖直放置,起支撑作用。Cylinder blocks are generally vertically played to prop up others.

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这些附加的区域可以使用选项卡显示,或者垂直叠放显示。These additional areas can be shown in tabs or stacked vertically.

两个端头垂直向地面,将用于吊挂一根晾杆。Two ends are vertically falling to the ground, for hanging a pole.

多个条垂直地连接以形成完整的位图。More than one strip is joined vertically to make the entire bitmap.