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我是一名作家。I am a writer.

人生是一场苦旅。Life is a writer.

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我已经是一名作家了。I’d become a writer.

他是一位才思敏捷的作家。He is a ready writer.

职业作家?A professional writer?

也许我将成为一名作家。Maybe I'll be a writer.

他是个初出茅庐的作家。He was a mediocre writer.

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她是一位多产作家。She was a copious writer.

法兰克.沃尔摩德是个作家。Frank Wormold is a writer.

吉辛是一位天生的作家。Gissing was a born writer.

他是位多产作家。He is a productive writer.

他是个多产作家。He is a voluminous writer.

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他是一位澳大利亚作家。He is an Australian writer.

那位作家远近闻名。The writer is widely known.

她妈妈是一名很好的抄写员。Her mother is a good writer.

美国作家纳萨尼尔·霍桑。N. Hawthorn, American writer.

他是个多才多艺的作家。He is a very versatile writer.

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假象你是作家。Imagine that you are a writer.

萨格女士是一名医学类作家。Mizz Sugg is a medical writer.

作者想象出许多神话。The writer feigns many a myth.