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但我没有一直做外交官。But I did not remain a diplomat.

激进主义者是个糟糕的外交家。Radicalization is a bad diplomat.

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他从当外交官起开始了他的从政生涯。He started his official career as a diplomat.

外交家支持了兰尼。The elderly diplomat came to Lanny's support.

这位年轻外交官开始倒运了。The fortune of the young diplomat began to wane.

不擅社交的人几乎不适合做外交家。The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.

他是中国游历最广的一名高级外交官。He was China's most widely traveled senior diplomat.

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莫伦是在伊拉克遇害的第二名美国外交官。Mollen is the second U.S. diplomat to be killed in Iraq.

科南特是美国著名科学家、外交家和教育家。Conant is a famous American scientist, diplomat and educator.

费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.

费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.

“这只是名义上的选举,”一位西方外交官说。"This was an election in name only, " says a Western diplomat.

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这位外交官同事表示首脑会议将不会受到影响。But the diplomat said the summit meeting should not be affected.

他作为外交官的久经考验的技能可能尤为重要。His welltested skills as a diplomat may be particularly valuable.

在一个内地城市,两方领导人接见了外交官。In an interior city, both sides' leaders interviewed the diplomat.

这名外交官同两国领导人都有着亲密的关系。The diplomat was on intimate terms with the leaders of both sides.

一位西方外交官沉吟道,“不知道还有什么支撑其继续执政。”“I don’t know what is keeping him there,” muses a Western diplomat.

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让这个傻瓜充当外交官是个紧张的状况。It is a tense situation with this nit-wit trying to act like a diplomat.

温杜拥有与生俱来的外交才干,他相信言辞的力量可以胜过蛮力。Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action.

普雷维什更多地是一个政策制定者和经济外交家,而非理论家。Prebisch was more of a policymaker and economic diplomat than a theorist.