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他并没有潜逃国外。He did not abscond abroad.

他不太可能会潜逃。He is unlikely to abscond.

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他担心他们会潜逃。He feared they would abscond.

拚得不孝名,今夜即潜逃。Pan gets disobedient name, tonight namely abscond.

中国人现在可以出国旅行了,但又有多少是逃犯呢?The Chinese can travel abroad, but how many abscond?

然后,他们卖掉船和货物,各自潜逃。Afterwards they sell the ship and the goods and abscond.

菊花公主被迫带着玉玺,四处逃亡。Chrysanthemum princess is forced to taking imperial jade seal, abscond everywhere.

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面对逃跑问题,劳委会首先应该严肃的面对移工逃跑的原因。The CLA instead should seriously address why the migrants abscond from their work.

面对混战,小泽一郎准备带着黄金潜逃,而喜八郎则决定留下来报仇。Facing the melee, Mr Ozawa ready to abscond with gold, while eight lang xi decided to stay.

他的主张近期不会实现,因为社会上愿意无私照顾美国胖小孩的人不多。It's not going to happen soon. There are no patrols of social workers ready to abscond with the fat kids of America.

这个黑社会系统是最大的成就的精英和他们的任务潜逃与财富的世界。This triad system is the greatest accomplishment of the elite and their mission to abscond with the wealth of the world.

身负巨债的冀东和桃子逃亡到偏远山区,来到一座林中小屋。The Ji Dong that owes huge debt personally and peach abscond out-of-the-way and a mountainous area, come to hut of a Lin Zhong.

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原本一场衣香鬓影、兴高采烈的派对,顷刻变成恐慌大逃亡。Originally the clique with a shadow of sweet hair on the temples, elated garment is right, instantly becomes panic to abscond greatly.

中村带着大批特务到电话局抓人,在得知岳秀萍举家潜逃之后便确定了她就是窃听电话的人。Nakamura with great spy to central catch a person, in that YueXiuPing family abscond after they was sure that she is eavesdropping telephone.

它往往不能像普通动产那样,可以被犯罪分子进行物理转移或携以潜逃,因而更多情况下属于一般违法侵占行为。It usually does not like ordinary movable, could be criminals or physical transfer to abscond with, and more cases are generally illegal occupation.

抗战初期,一架日军战斗机迫降鲁西南山地,掌握重要军事机密的日本间谍桥本隆一潜逃。Early resistance, a Japanese fighter planes landing southwest mountainous, grasp the important military secrets of Japanese spy takashi hashimoto abscond.

它往往不能像普通动产那样,可以被犯罪分子进行物理转移或携以潜逃,因而更多情况下属于一般违法侵占行为。This fosters confidence in taking action to do what makes them happy now rather than to abscond with safeguarding their thoughts with events in the future.

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目前,我国贪官携款潜逃现象非常严重,给我国带来极其恶劣的国际影响的同时,也给国家造成了极大的危害。Currently, the phenomena of corrupt officials abscond with money is very serious. It brings seamy effect between countries, it endangered to our country also.

在三人逃亡与躲避追杀中知晓果儿的身份与大祭司所要寻找的圣物关联甚密。Abscond in 3 people with avoid chase after in killing witting fruit the holy content correlation that the identity and big flamen place should search is very close.

警方立案通缉林芳和徐浩,他俩听到风声后准备潜逃,谁知徐浩扔下林芳,一个人卷款消失,林芳绝望。Wanted by the police put on record, Lin fang and seo, ready to abscond after they heard the wind, who know seo threw down, Lin fang, a person with disappear, in despair, Lin fang.