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她的邋遢正好适合当时的情景。She had the scruffiness befitting the circumstances.

属于大公,或与大公地位相适应。Belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy.

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应该举行一个与国家领导人身份相符的纪念仪式。A memorial service befitting a national leader should be held.

学生抱怨他的闲散方式和俳谐师身份不相称。Students complained that his casual manner was not befitting of a haiku master.

毫无疑问,在这样一个特殊的场合,他这么做就是为了一尽地主之谊。He did this no doubt in a spirit of hospitality befitting a very special occasion.

至于斯凯尔顿,78,他的让步是平原和优美,使之适合自己的名声。As for Skelton, 78, his concession was plain and graceful, befitting his reputation.

他看上去不仅判若两人,而且行为举止也符合他扮演的角色。Not only would he looked different but he would move and walk in a manner befitting the character.

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航道宽度必须收复,使之适合作为宏伟的孔第七和第十二。Fairway width needs to be recaptured, befitting the grandeur of such holes as the seventh and twelfth.

魅力指数?她的邋遢正好适合当时的情景。她没有那种忽悠人的上等口音,你知道的。Glamour rating? She had the scruffiness befitting the circumstances. She's not all plummy tones, y'know.

柔和的圆角摸起来感觉很好,有着和用户界面相同的“生物”感。The gently rounded edges are a nice touch and befitting with the "organic" feel of the device and its UI.

高中的建筑有四层楼高,有一座非常好的老式礼堂,其古典的轮廓与其建设时的1917年十分相符。The high school was four stories high, with a great old auditorium and classic lines befitting its 1917 vintage.

七月四日,所有的美国人,如果可能的话,应以适当的方式来该庆祝独立日。This Fourth of July, all Americans, if possible, should celebrate the holiday in ways befitting Independence Day.

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瓦特‧谭博作为一位科技专家,他将他自己完全装入机器中,甚至必须依赖科技才能说话。As befitting a technocrat, Wat Tambor is entirely encased in machinery and is even reliant on technology to speak.

在美术馆我们见到一幅玛丽女王二世的画像,她穿的华丽酒红色长裙尽显其皇家气质。At the art museum, we saw a portrait of Mary II wearing a magnificent vinaceous dress befitting her royal splendor.

我把照片拿在手中,给与足够的专注,以便和一幅具备汉密尔顿这种声望的艺术家的新作相称。I hold the image in my hands, and give it the attention befitting a new work by an artist of Hamilton's reputation.

莱莫尔已经换下了她的修女袍,穿上一身更类似于富商妻女的衣服。Lemore had changed out of her septa's robes into garb more befitting the wife or daughter of a prosperous merchant.

沙威对看门人说话的声音和政府工作人员对叛乱者的门房说话时的口气是一样的Javert addressed the porter in a tone befitting the government, and the presence of the porter of a factious person.

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柔软的胎体与宽大的断面能确保驾乘平稳舒适,适用于松软的草地行驶。Soft tire body and lenient section ensure placidity and comfort when driving and riding, befitting using on floppy lawn.

他去世以后,露西决定就把他的骨灰撒在这个占据了他生命中无数时间的院子里。When he died Lucy thought it befitting to spread his ashes in the back yard, the place where he had spent countless hours.

“是的,在适宜的时候,纵情唱唱圣诗,对一个人的身心都是大有好处的。”歌唱大师答道。It is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody in befitting seasons returned the master of song.