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战争刀兵系列之坦克篇。National Geographic War Machines Tank.

如果你发现他请致电国家地理。Call National Geographic if you spot him.

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地理信息数据可能以任何形式保存。Geographic data can be stored in any form.

大卫·尤达,国家地理Photograph by David Yoder, National Geographic

有。我们有国家地理杂志和经济学家。Yes. We have National Geographic and Economist.

弗兰斯·兰廷,国家地理Photograph by Frans Lanting, National Geographic

望都地理位置突具优势。Hope all geographic sudden competitive advantage.

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国家地理杂志五月刊现已上柜。The May issue of National Geographic is on sale now.

用户社区和用户的地理分布。User community and geographic distribution of users.

球子蕨科植物的地理分布。Study on geographic distribution of family Onocleaceae.

这就是国家地理所设想的情节的最终结果。That is the end result of the National Geographic story.

普陀区地理位置优越。Putuo District possesses a preferable geographic location.

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地理图像是多功能的地理信息载体。Geographic Picture is a multi-function information carrier.

这里有着得天独厚的地理优势。This place has uniquely advantageous geographic conditions.

来自国家地理学会社会图片集Photograph from National Geographic Society Image Collection

地名信息系统是城市地理信息系统的一个组成部分。Toponym Geographic Information System is a part of urban GIS.

急救员还可以指定他们所感兴趣的领域。Responders can also specify their geographic area of interest.

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地理纬度低,其硬脂酸含量高。The geographic latitude lower, the stearic acid content higher.

施保旭编著「地理资讯系统」。Michael N. Demers, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems.

中国阶级分化明显,地域差距严重,政治又缺乏自由。There's class divide, geographic divide, lack of political freedom.