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你好,我是你的舍友。Hi, I'm your roommate.

我的室友很了解我。My roommate knows me well.

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我有个室友就是这类人。I had a roommate like this.

嘿,你挑好室友了吗?Hey, did you pick a roommate?

苏,你的新室友怎样?Sue, how is your new roommate?

就拿我的室友来举个例子。As an example, take my roommate.

约翰和他的新室友处得来吗?。How is John handling his new roommate?

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我的室友王楠非常势利。My roommate Wang Nan is very snobbish.

天啊,我的室友真是一个大嘴巴。Gees , my roommate is such a big mouth!

但是当时那位室友并未在屋内而凯在。The roommate was not home, but Kay was.

想必你的室友会很开心。And your roommate would be very pleased.

昨天我晚上我和我的室友吵架了。I quarreled with my roommate last night.

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此时我的室友正在经历一段艰难时期。My roommate was having a rough go of it.

交到一个新室友或者搬去一个新地方。Get a new roommate or move to a new place.

他向通室居住的人要了一支香烟…He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate.

不过,你那个室友肯定乐坏了。But your roommate sure was excited about it.

他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱。He drugged his roommate and stole his money.

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我希望她能和自己的新室友和谐相处。I hope she gets along with her new roommate.

假设你跟一个室友同居。Let's pretend that you live with a roommate.

她会是你遇到的最烦人的舍友。She would be the most annoying roommate EVER.