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奥利弗,你演乔治。Oliver you're George.

这是奥利弗·麦徳沃鄂迪克。This is Oliver Medvedik.

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奥利弗说,“应该不会。"Not particularly, " says Oliver.

奥立佛凝神舐了一舐大拇指。Oliver wet his great thumb briefly.

咱们俩去工作吧,奥利弗。Let's you and me go to work, Oliver.

奥利弗今晚演出<麦克佩斯>。Oliver is acting " Macbeth" tonight.

“对不起,先生”,奥立弗说。"i beg your pardon, sir, " said oliver.

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第二天,我就打电话给奥利弗斯通了。I called Oliver Stone the very next day.

奥里佛有一只体态优美的猫,叫做葛拉琪亚。Oliver has a graceful cat called Gracia.

奥利弗先生一直都不解他的妻子的话。Mr. Oliver puzzled over his wife's remark.

汤姆斯就是自由,奥利弗就是压迫?With Thomas and freedom, Oliver and tyranny?

不可能变成奥利佛巴拉特三世。It's impossible to get to Oliver Barrett lll.

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奥利佛在电影界任务三十年。Mr. Oliver worked for 30 years in the movies.

奥利弗斯通最后为你打开了那扇门。Oliver Stone finally opened the door for you.

我们遵从奥立佛的愿望坐下来。We sat down, obedient to the wishes of Oliver.

这是欧文对奥利弗·戈德史密斯的评语。This is Irving's appraisal of Oliver Goldsmith.

这跟戴龙罗伯斯和奥利弗情况不同。It is not the same for Dayron Robles and Oliver.

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奥利弗伍德沃德的非凡真实故事。The extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward.

Oliver称,获美国认证过的婴儿配方食品是安全的。U.S.-approved baby formula is safe, Oliver said.

我要说“雾都孤儿”是我最为喜欢的书籍之一。And I would say Oliver Twist is one of my favourites.