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我从来没有做过脱衣舞娘。I've never been a stripper.

她是一个脱衣舞娘的时间。She is a stripper by that time.

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哥和推板的碰穿角度是多少?。What is core to stripper seal angel?

那个脱衣舞女偷了我的结婚戒指?The-the stripper stole my wedding ring?!

你当脱衣舞娘紧张吗?Aren’t you nervous about being a stripper?

窗口入子不需要与脱板压配合。Windows must not be press fit into stripper.

汽提塔的廉价鞋和性感的舞蹈鞋高跟靴。Cheap stripper "shoes" and dancing shoes high heel shoes.

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采用PET包装脱漆剂性能稳定。The performance of the stripper packed by PET was stability.

她可是一个几乎袒胸露乳的脱衣舞女,公平吗?一个女孩子能做什么呢?Who is a topless stripper. Is that fair?What is a girl to do.

所有这些来到性感凉鞋,性感泵,汽提塔松糕鞋。Came all these sexy sandals, sexy pumps, platform shoes " stripper."

经改进,延长了汽提塔的稳定运行时间。After innovation, the stable operation time of stripper were prolonged.

本文介绍了在印刷线路板的冲孔模中,采用的液压卸料装置。In the punching die of printed-circuit boards, a hydraulic stripper is used.

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烧焊的打凸冲子及模板入子不允许安装在脱料板上。Weld projection punches and die buttons will not be mounted in the stripper.

推板可以和前面一样,安装在型腔和型芯板之间。The stripper plate is mounted, as previously, between the cavity and the core plate.

最近这个选题,我觉得还有一个亚文本,内容就是脱衣舞娘的魅力有多强大。What I see as a sub-context in the latest project is how much power the stripper has.

经济危机让人失业了,有女人居然最后成了脱衣舞女郎。A woman claimed to be a stripper after losing her decent job because of economic crisis.

贾维尔为西班牙橄榄球国家队效力,他曾经还当过脱衣舞者和油漆匠。Javier has played for the National Spanish Rugby team, worked as a stripper and a painter.

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保证推板有足够的避空位置,产品推出来以后,推板不会碰到流道。Make sure the stripper is clearance enough so it will not hit the runner when parts get stripped.

那脱衣舞女有一个和我同岁的女儿,还想把我介绍给她。我不知道应该说啥。The stripper had a daughter my age and offered to introduce us. I didn't know what to say to that.

事后莫妮卡请了四人演唱组将朱力欧羞辱了一番。罗斯在单身派对上有艳遇,瑞秋嫉妒了。Ross and Ben have a play date with the stripper from the bachelor party, which makes Rachel jealous.