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抢劫犯突然向一个盲人袭击。The mugger laid to a blind man.

可是现在这条巨鳄又重新回来觅食了。But the mugger is back on the prowl.

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强盗向那位观光客索取金钱。A mugger demanded the tourist's money.

一个强盗在漆黑的街道上袭击了他。A mugger assailed him on the dark street.

昨晚我被一个强盗重重的一拳打在脸上。I was bashed in the face by a mugger lastnight.

那个强盗胁迫我,所以我给他钱。The mugger threatened me, so I gave him my money.

警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者的形象拼图。The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

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被强盗追赶真是让人毛骨悚然的经历。Being chased by a mugger is a hair-raising experience.

我认为他应该更像是一个行凶抢劫犯。I think he would have been closer to a homicidal mugger.

劫匪想抢她的包,她就紧紧地握着它。She clenched her purse when the mugger tried to take it from her.

有一天晚上,我走在回家的途中,我被一名偷袭抢劫者攻击了。Then one night walking home from work, I was attacked by a mugger.

你很运气,抡劫犯没捅死你,只是打了你一下。You're really lucky the mugger just hit you instead of stabbing you.

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他抗辩道,当他打击行凶抢劫者时他是在自卫。He plead that he have act in self-defence when he have hit the mugger.

我用轮箍铁条狠狠揍了那个行凶抢劫的强盗,我随身带着这家伙就是为这种场合预备的。I clobbered the mugger with a tire iron I carry just for such occasions.

我对那个抢劫者的感觉只有同情,所有的恐惧已经消失了。The only feeling I had for the mugger was compassion and all fear was gone.

劫匪回答“咋,你还以为我是要劫色吗?”To which the mugger responded, "Duh, do you think I grabbed you for your looks?"

每次拍照片我都爱扮鬼脸,所以我爸爸叫我鬼脸怪客。My father calls me a mugger because whenever he takes a family picture I make an awful face.

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纽约的出租车太贵了。还不如被劫匪打劫,等救护车来送回家更便宜些。In New York, cabs are very expensive. It's cheaper to get slugged by a mugger and wait for the ambulance.

例如,当你目睹一名劫匪正在实施抢劫,你有权将他逮捕,直到警察的介入。A person witnessing a mugging can seize the mugger and hold him until a police officer arrives, for example.

一天深夜,一个戴着滑雪面罩的行凶抢劫者突然挡住一位衣着讲究的男士的去路,并用枪顶住他的肋骨。Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into the path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs.