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我认为他自认为是世界之王,他变得有点癫狂了。I think he thought he was the king of the world. He became a bit of a megalomaniac.

弗拉基米尔·普京总统的批评者立马就抓住这个机会,把他描述成一个性情难测的,迷恋权术的自大狂。President Vladimir Putin's critics seized the moment with alacrity to portray him as a whimsical megalomaniac.

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而且剩下的将成为国有项目,加强了政府的借贷或自大的倾向。And much of the rest is going on state-driven projects, reinforcing the state’s rent-seeking or megalomaniac proclivities.

这个伟大而狂妄的男子征服并统一了当时处于战乱中的一些小国,成为中国历史上第一位皇帝。This amazing but megalomaniac man conquered and united China from a collection of warring states to become its First Emperor.

这世上的贫困比其他任何东西更危害人类,很有可能引发人类这种妄自尊大的动物的垮台。Poverty in the world compromises man more than anything else and will no doubt bring about the downfall of such a megalomaniac animal.

有人认为,中印爆发全面战争时,印度能坚持一个星期之久,这类狂妄自大的侵略主义者都是在做白日梦。All the megalomaniac jingoists who think that we will survive for even a week in case of a full-scale war with China are living in a fool's paradise.

“自大狂”和“自溺狂”的不同之处,是他希望大权在握而非动人怜爱,他竭力要令人畏惧而令人爱慕。The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved.

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随着战争的规模也日益增大,各国争相扩军,例如法国与奥地利之间的王朝战争,这两个国家在1756年成为盟友,战争也随之结束了So, the size of the armies for these megalomaniac wars, these dynastic wars between Austria and France and then they changed partners in 1756, and all of this business.

随着战争的规模也日益增大,各国争相扩军,例如法国与奥地利之间的王朝战争,这两个国家在1756年成为盟友,战争也随之结束了。So, the size of the armies for these megalomaniac wars, these dynastic wars between Austria and France and then they changed partners in 1756, and all of this business.

韦尔热斯或许是一个对狂热主义者那种异于常人的道德观着迷的自大狂,但他也是个对受到政治压迫的群体有着深切怜悯心的执着辩论家。Vergès may be a megalomaniac who is fascinated with the peculiar integrity of fanatics, but he's also a committed polemicist with a deep compassion for political underdogs.

全部正在变真的好直到一位被命名博士的邪恶科学家使用计谋的在平常的夸大狂患者上脱掉一些这些有帮助的机械手和组合的控制设计了探索就行星拿。All is going really well until an evil scientist named Dr. Wily takes control of some of these helpful robots and sets off on the usual megalomaniac styled quest to take over the planet.

那些战死的可怜少校、士兵,很少会知道妄自尊大的太监尼赫鲁导致他们死去,尼赫鲁一厢情愿要赶走中国人。Poor majors, army soldiers who died fighting battle, little did they know they died because of eunich Nehru and his megalomaniac thinking of keeping China away with his wishful thinking.

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如果设计者觉得一个设计的伟大之处如此“深沉”,只有设计者才能看得出来,那这个设计者很有可能是骄傲自大的。It's dangerous to think that the greatness of a design could be 'so profound' as to only be apparent to the designer that produced it. It's far more likely that that designer is a megalomaniac.