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你相信手相术吗?。Do you believe in palmistry?

是谁教会你看手相的?To Zoe Who taught you palmistry?

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你相信手相术吗?Two Do you believe in palmistry?

相手术有没有任何科学依据?Does palmistry have any basis in science?

比如,医学科学就比相手术更加客观。Medical science is more objective than palmistry.

此前,他们的首选方式是掌占卜。Before that, palmistry was their preferred method of fortune telling.

虽然手相术至今仍有流传,但其说法并无任何科学依据。Though palmistry is still practiced, there is no known scientific basis for it.

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看手相的通过观看手掌的形状和纹路为人卜卦。Palmistry claims to know one's future by examining the lines on the palm of one's hand.

只要通过古老的手相术就可以知道怎么看一个人。Learn how to read a person just by looking at their hand using the ancient art of palmistry.

除占星术之外,技术包括占卜用的纸牌读书、手相术和许多事。Apart from astrology, the techniques include tarot card reading, palmistry and many more things.

在某个阶段,人们意识到每个手的掌纹是不同的,于是开始了手相学。At some stage people realized that every hand is different, and from this discovery palmistry began.

一个就是设定机关,例如一些人喜欢结合看手相使用冷读。One of these ways is by using a gimmick. For example, some guys like to use palmistry for cold reading.

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拥有它您就是手相大师了,快来给您的亲人,同学、朋友看手相吧!If have it, you are the master of palmistry, come to your loved ones, classmates, friends, palmistry it.

他们大部分算命是看手相,后来则大部分使用普通的扑克牌。Most of their fortune-telling was through palmistry and later through the use of ordinary playing cards.

我读过很多关于手相术的书,而且我已经能通过一个人的手掌上讲准很多关于他的事情。I've read a lot about palmistry and I've been able to tell a lot of accurate things about a person from his palm.

他没有直接回答我的问题,但笑着抓起我的左手,说不妨先看看我的手相,帮我算算命。He didn't answer my question directly. Smiling to snatch up my left hand, he looked at my palmistry and fortune-telling.

最后要强调的是,不管是占星学,还是玄学,抑或是星座理论,即使有可取之处或是巧合,你都不能完完全全地让它们掌控或者指引你的生活和看法。Whether it is astrology or palmistry or the sun signs, you should never allow the studies to entirely rule your life and impressions.

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大多数专家同意相手术起源于印度,不过最是和人们熟悉的游牧民族吉普赛人联系在一起。Most experts agree that palmistry started in India, perhaps its most common association is with the nomadic people popularly known as Gypsies.

大多数专家同意相手术起源于印度,不过也许最容易是和人们熟悉的游牧民族吉普赛人联系在一起。Most experts agree that palmistry started in India, but perhaps its most common association is with the nomadic people popularly known as Gypsies.

2600年前亚里士多德写了一篇关于手相的亚历山大大帝的书,自今从没有人会质疑。Some 2600 years ago Aristotle wrote a book on palmistry for Alexander the Great, and there is nothing in that book that a modern-day palmist would dispute.