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目前该术语专用于细菌鞭毛。Strictly the term is now reserved for the bacterial flagellum.

提示ET的粘附素是包括血凝素及鞭毛在内的一类蛋白样物质。It was suggested that the adhesin of ET was proteinaceous flagellum.

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菌株细胞呈椭球形,革兰氏阴性,不产芽孢,无鞭毛。The strain was gram negative, ellipse cell, no spores and no flagellum.

赖夫生染色法是细菌鞭毛染色的一种常用方法。The Leifson staining method is a common method of the flagellum staining of bacteria.

所谓的“细菌鞭毛”推动细菌在微观世界游动。The so-called "bacterial flagellum " is what propels a bacterium through its microscopic world.

这些发现表明,细菌与古细菌的沟通是通过鞭毛实现的。These findings suggest that the bacterium communicates with the archaeon by using its flagellum.

鞭毛是细胞体上的细长突出,它的作用是推动微生物移动。A flagellum is a long, slender projection from the cell body, whose function is to propel an organism.

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并发现1株非O1群霍乱弧菌有单侧毛和亚极端毛。Single lateral flagellum and subterminal flagellum were demonstrated in 1 strain of V. cholerae non-O1.

研究人员发现,发酵性细菌能利用其鞭毛与特定的古甲烷菌产生互作。We found that a fermentative bacterium used its flagellum for interaction with a specific methanogenic archaeon.

在颈卵器中只产生一个卵,而在精子器中产生许多长形卷曲而具二根鞭毛的精子。In the neck for eggs produced in only one egg, sperm is produced in many long, curly and two of the sperm flagellum.

细菌鞭毛由大约40个不同的蛋白质组成,包括定子,转子,驱动轴,U型关节和螺旋桨。The bacterial flagellum consists of about 40 different protein parts, including a stator, rotor, drive shaft, U-joint, and propeller.

使用特殊的着色剂后,你会发现有的细菌上长着不少波状的“毛发”即鞭毛,而有的细菌只有一根鞭毛。Using special stains one can see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking "hairs" called flagella . Others have only one flagellum.

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用特殊的着色剂后,你会发现有的细菌上长着不少波状的"毛发"即鞭毛,而有的细菌只有一根鞭毛。Using special stains, one can see that some bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking “hairs” called flagella. Others have only one flagellum.

毕耶所说的鞭毛,每一个复杂组件都有先例,在自然界都找得到,布朗大学的米勒与其他学者都描述过。The sophisticated components of this flagellum all have precedents elsewhere in nature, as described by Kenneth R. Miller of Brown University and others.

鞭毛的最终出现,可能仅仅来自本来向其它方向进化的复杂器官的重新组合。Thefinal evolution of the flagellum might then have involved only thenovel recombination of sophisticated parts that initially evolved forother purposes.

扫描和透射电镜观察清楚地显示紫外线照射对栉孔扇贝精子顶体、胞质膜、核膜、线粒体嵴和鞭毛的破坏。Electron microscopy showed clear destruction of the acrosome, cytoplasmic membrane, nuclear envelope, mitochondrial cristae, and flagellum in the UV-irradiated sperms.

肌动蛋白及肌球蛋白乃是构成肌肉伸缩机构的组成部分,微管蛋白是赋予鞭毛及纤毛能动的基本物质。Actin and myoglobulin are the compositions building muscles' stretching function. Microtubulin is the basic substance which provides the flagellum and cilium the function of movement.