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正如古班所说。As Cuban says.

这是一架古巴的米格-29战机。This is A Cuban MiG-29.

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库班带来了他们好运气。Their luck was better with Cuban.

里奇是在纽约的古巴领队。Ricky is a Cuban bandleader in New York.

库班冷冷地给了闪电侠一眼。Cuban gives a cold heartless look at Wade.

此公名为咪咕尔,古巴人氏。This guy's name is Miguel and he is a Cuban.

但是最初的古巴三明治并不烘烤。But the original Cuban sandwich wasn’t toasted.

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乌鲁蒂亚博士在古巴法院做过31年的法官,曾经流亡纽约,现住在反抗分子控制区。He was a Judge in the Cuban Courts for 31 years.

几年后,古巴部长回访。Years later, the Cuban minister paid a return visit.

古巴队发球,发勾手飘球。Cuban side makes the service. The hook-float service.

欢迎获得第二名的古巴队入场。Welcome the second-place Cuban Team as they march in.

前古巴领导人,菲德尔.卡斯特罗。Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, Granma, June 25, 2010

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雪茄嘛,“古巴人回答,”在古巴一角钱就可以买到一打。Cigars, " the Cuban replied, "are a dime a dozen in Cuba.

古巴队发球,发勾手飘球。The Cuban side makes the service. The hook float service.

年,古巴革命志士马提于哈瓦那出生。In1853, Cuban revolutionary Jose Marti was born in Havana.

就像其他传统的古巴母亲一样,我母亲有点过分保护我了。Like any traditional Cuban mother, my mum was overprotective.

古巴政府对他的健康详情讳莫如深。Details of his health have been kept secret by the Cuban government.

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古巴政府并没有对戈德伯格的叙述立即发表评论。The Cuban government had no immediate comment on Goldberg's account.

不出三天时间,受过美国中央情报局培训的流亡政府军就被打的节节败退,以失败告终。The CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles was defeated within three days.

在古巴的大小道路上,现在还有15万辆产于1960年以前的美国车在行驶。Today, there are about 150,000 pre-1960 American cars on Cuban roads.