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对“铱”星系统也作了介绍。IRIDIUM system is also introduced.

这里是金笔和铱金笔。Here are some pens with gold or iridium nibs.

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同时他们也在寻找比铱更便宜的催化剂。They're also seeking a cheaper catalyst than iridium.

他们也在寻找一种比铱更便宜的催化剂。They’re also seeking a cheaper catalyst than iridium.

顺便说一句,我非常喜欢“铱星计划”的那个营销方案。By the way, I like it very much, "Iridium" that the marketing program.

我们的方案基于海事卫星电话或铱星卫星电话。We offer solutions based on both Inmarsat's GSPS and the Iridium service.

进一步说明了铱在卤化银晶体中的电子陷阱作用。It is confirmed that iridium ion dopants in the crystals act as electron traps.

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铱金笔笔尖上那颗银白色的小圆点,就是锇铱合金。On the iridium-point pen pen tip that silver-white color's small dot, is the iridium.

他们对30英尺深度略高于铱层的一个沉积层特别感兴趣。They were especially interested in a 30-ft. layer of sediment just above the iridium layer.

因此,该方法适用于岩石矿物中超微量铱的测定。Therefore the method is fit for the determination of super trace Iridium in rocks and minerals.

铱星公司至今未能找到一个有效的解决方案,目前留给他们的时间已经几乎没有了。Satellite phone company Iridium appears to have run out of time in its hopes of finding a rescuer.

2010年,铱星公司和波音公司一起将向国防部演示这一系统的初始能力。Boeing and Iridium are partnering to demonstrate initial capabilities of the system to the DOD by 2010.

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他们分析了这个小地区的化石层,一共计算了在铱层下面的52个不同物种。Analyzing the fossils at this small site, they counted 52 distinct species just below the iridium layer.

一般加入少量的铱形成更硬、更强的合金,而又包括了铂的优点。Small amounts of iridium are commonly added for a harder, stronger alloy that retains platinum's advantages.

铱星还参与了与美国海军陆战队作战实验室联网的铱星服务试验。Iridium also has participated in testing its Netted Iridium service with the U.S.Marine Corps Warfighting Lab.

摩托罗拉公司已宣布了自己的全球卫星联网系统,这套系统将由一家名为“铱”的公司进行。Motorola has announced plans for its own satellite-linked worldwide system, through a new firm called Iridium.

铱星还参与了与美国海军陆战队作战实验室联网的铱星服务试验。Iridium also has participated in testing its Netted Iridium service with the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Lab.

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自然界中可能不存在纯铱,通常和其它贵金属共生于天然合金中。Iridium probably does not occur uncombined in nature but it is found in natural alloys with other noble metals.

的确,在一些地区已经发现了2层铱矿,位于撞击点北部的印度城镇Anjar就是其中之一。Indeed, two iridium layers have been found in some places. Anjar, an Indian town north of the impact site, is one.

菲斯托还跟其他人一起领导一支绝地特遣队在阿特里维斯星区见证了铱星海盗的覆灭。Fisto was also co-leader of a Jedi task force that saw the vanquishing of the Iridium pirates in the Atrivis sector.