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中国已经从异类变成了一个全球榜样。China has been transformed from a standout into a global model.

然而,低成本、长途航空公司的业务扩展是非常突出的。The low cost, long-haul airline expansion is however the standout.

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一个汽车的突出特点将其新的两层挡板。One of the vehicle's standout features will be its new two- tiered tailgate.

将您的需要强调的部分从文章内容中或博客帖子中挑出。Make the blockquotes in your content or blog posts standout from rest of content.

罗伯茨的确已写了无数的爱情故事,但这本书是真正的上乘之作。True, Roberts has written a gazillion love stories, but this one is a real standout.

然而,我们决定,将在本书的致谢名单上列出杰出贡献者的名字。However, at our discretion, we will list standout contributors in the book's credits.

多诺霍表示,对于中国将在何时成为全球最大经济体,“并不存在任何突出的观点”。Donohue said "there wasn't a standout opinion" on when China would reach the top spot.

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早期以电脑为基础的游戏中的杰出代表是俄罗斯方块,一个1987年的俄罗斯出口品。One standout in this early era of computer-based games was Tetris , a 1987 Russian export.

队友肖恩•马里昂也站了出来,他全场得到20分和8个篮板。Teammate Shawn Marion was another standout as he finished with 20 points and eight rebounds.

我们考量那些慢慢撰写我们人生剧本的成功,失败,和岁月里的大事情。We ponder the successes failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story.

一个出色的照片,包括荧光原书中大量彩色钢板。A substantial number of original colored plates including fluorescence photographs standout the book.

这部电影确实有自己的看点,尤其是两位实力派主演,以及出众的配角演员盖·皮尔斯。That film does have its attractions notably in its two solid leads and standout support from Mr. Pearce.

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这位43岁已经拍过70多部电影的多产明星,在香港电影中以沉默著称。The prolific star, who at age 43 has been in more than 70 films, is Hong Kong cinema's standout brooder.

这个亚品牌帮助母亲找到最适合自己的产品,一致的包装颜色让这个系列和同类产品相比更为惹眼。The sub-brands help mums navigate the range and strong standout is achieved with a consistent brand colour.

如果你可以使你的简历脱颖而出然后找到一份好的实习,那下一步就是面试了。Assuming you were able to make your resume standout and found a good internship, the next step is interviewing.

巴雷特得到了70年代中期,特别是真正与雪儿在采访中选择了自己贝瑞特作为一个杰出的职业生涯。Barrett got particularly real with Cher in a mid-'70s interview chosen as a career standout by Barrett herself.

利用相应的色彩变换最大限度地去除颜色的干扰信息,突出害虫本身。Color-counterchanging can mostly wiped off molestation information caused by color and standout the pest itself.

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郑大世说他以朝鲜国家队的“意志力和战斗精神”为傲,并说朝鲜队中最杰出的球员是在罗斯托夫队踢球的洪映早。Mr. Chong takes pride in the national team's 'willpower and fighting spirit' and said its standout player is Rostov's Mr.

得奖还是不得,希斯莱杰已经成为在颁奖礼上人们谈论最多的演员。让我们回头再看他在影片当中的突出表现。Win or lose, Heath Ledger is already the most buzzed-about actor at awards season. Take a look back at his standout roles.

如果说,一个工人他没有一颗聪明的头脑,也没有技压群雄的本领,这并不可怕也不可悲。If we say that a worker he was not a clever mind, and no ability to standout from the crowd, this is not terrible is not sad.