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所以,这是一种新的致病性粘菌。So, it's a new pathogenicity slime mold.

菌丝和分生孢子致病性减弱。The pathogenicity of hypha and spore was weakened.

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今春,不少国家和地区都相继爆发了高致病性禽流感。The high pathogenicity avian flu has broken out in many countries this spring.

志贺菌侵袭力的高低及毒力强弱决定了其致病性的强弱。The pathogenicity of Shigella is determined by its invasiveness and virulence.

具有致病性,是支原体感染需要治疗的重要条件。Pathogenicity is the important factor that mycoplasma infection need treatment.

单一菌株的致病性与添菌量成正相关,单一菌株引起的病征多变。Moreover the pathogenicity of mixed strains were stronger than that of the single.

神经氨酸酶在流感病毒的感染和传播过程中起着重要作用。Neuraminidase plays an important role in the pathogenicity of influenza infections.

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结论脲酶阴性与阳性副溶血性弧菌均有较强的致病性。Conclusion V. Parahaemolyticus with positive and negative urease have stronger pathogenicity.

下文就牙龈卟啉单胞菌致病岛的研究现状作一综述。In this paper, research progress on pathogenicity islands of Porphyromonas gin-givalis was reviewed.

许多细菌包括病原微生物可进入这一状态并保持毒力或致病性。Many bacteria including some pathogens can enter this state and maintain virulence or pathogenicity.

单剂诱变的抗性菌株致病性高于复配剂诱变菌株和敏感菌株。The pathogenicity of the mutants, induced by single-fungicide was stronger than that by mix-fungicide.

但在大的聚类组中,通常致病力相近的菌株聚在同一个小组中。But in the big cluster group, the pathogenicity closely strain gathers usually in the sub-cluster group.

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目的研究假结核菌血清学分型与其来源及病原性关系。Objective To study the relationship of Y. pseudotuberculosis serologic type, its origin and pathogenicity.

结论金葡菌对万古霉素耐药以后,毒力因子产生减少,对动物致病性明显减弱。In conclusion, the pathogenicity of h-VRSA decreased along with the increasing its resistance to vancomycin.

结果是棉花品种对黄萎病菌的反应因菌株的致病力强弱而不同。Results indicated that the reaction of cotton varieties varies with the pathogenicity of different isolates.

此外,研究还表明细菌的毒力与鱼的体温也有关系。In addition, the study shows that the pathogenicity of the bacteria is affected by the body temperature of fish.

目的探讨鲁南地区气传花粉的种类、分布、数量及其致病性。Objective To study the species, quantity and pathogenicity of air carried pollens in Southern Shandong Province.

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关于质膜外存在荚膜结构与致病性的关系进行了初步讨论。The relationship between capsule-like structure and pathogenicity of the mycoplasma was preliminarily discussed.

而结构蛋白VP2构象的变化可进一步影响ADV的致病力等相关生物学相关特性。Furthermore, the change on the configuration of the structure protein VP2 could do effect on pathogenicity of ADV.

由于病原菌致病性的高度分化,使得对稻瘟病很难控制和防治。The high variability in pathogenicity of M. grisea isolates makes the control and management of rice blast difficult.