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我现在正在拉巴特市中心,许多示威者已经聚集在这里。I'm in the centre of Rabat where hundreds of protesters have gathered.

在别墅或宫殿,为“私人住宅的意大利”,是位于拉巴特镇。The villa or palazzo, Italian for "private residence", is located in the town of Rabat.

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他表示,西班牙将加强外交努力,以迫使拉巴特从佩雷吉尔撤军。He indicated that Spain will step up diplomatic efforts to pressure Rabat into withdrawing its troops from Perejil.

然而,虽然拉巴特给予了飞机使用摩洛哥领空的许可,但是西班牙还是拒绝了他们进入该领域。But while Rabat gave permission for the planes to use the Moroccan airspace Spain has denied them access to its sector.

这架C-130大力神在盖勒敏市附近降落时撞到山上,盖勒敏市距离首都拉巴特南部700公里。The plane C-130 Hercules landed in Guelmim hit the mountain near the city, Guelmim city south of 700 km from the capital Rabat.

胡锦涛是在结束了对沙特阿拉伯的国事访问后,从沙特东部城市达曼乘专机抵达拉巴特的。Hu arrived in Rabat from Saudi Arabia's eastern city of Dammam by special plane after concluding his state visit to Saudi Arabia.

自1912年起,拉巴特一直是在法国保护之下的摩洛哥首都,1956年独立。Rabat was the capital of the French protectorate of Morocco from 1912 until independence was achieved in 1956. Population, 518,616.

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拉巴特皇宫的庆祝活动原订四月在马拉喀什举行,如今延至七月十二日才开始。Celebrations of the rabat royal palace were originally scheduled to take place in marrakech in april but have now been postponed to july12.

与利雅得,开罗,拉巴特表面上的亲密无间和相互依存不同,电报上讲述的是另一个让人不快,感到压抑的故事。The telegrams tell a different story of intimate and co-dependent relationships with unpleasant and repressive regimes in Riyadh, Cairo, and Rabat.

尽管国家的政治首都于1912年迁到了拉巴特,但非斯仍然是最主要的文化中心和宗教中心。Although the political capital of Morocco was transferred to Rabat in 1912, Fez has retained its status as the country's cultural and spiritual centre.

马德里说,已向拉巴特提出正式抗议,并将增派部队到北非的休达与麦里亚属地外海的岛屿。Madrid said that it has already made formal protests to rabat and will send additional troops to the islands off spanish ceuta and melilla in north africa.

我同穆巴拉克总统、亚西尔·阿拉法特、雅克·希拉克以及其它国家领导人走在摆放在马车上的豪华棺材后面,穿过了首都拉巴特三英里长市中心的送葬行程。I walked behind the king’s horse-drawn casket with President Mubarak, Yasser Arafat, Jacques Chirac, and other leaders on a three-mile route through downtown Rabat.

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2006年4月24日,刚刚抵达拉巴特开始对摩洛哥进行国事访问的国家主席胡锦涛同穆罕默德六世国王举行了会谈。On April 24, 2006, immediately after arriving in Rabat to kick off his state visit to Morocco, Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks with Moroccan King Mohammed VI.

有迹象显示,对于上周六匆忙暂停叙利亚成员国资格的协议,周二阿拉伯联盟在摩洛哥首都阿巴特的会议表明该组织可能正在改变主意。There were signs at the Arab League meeting in Rabat on Wednesday that the organisation may be having second thoughts about its hasty suspension of Syria last Saturday.

拉巴特当局十一日派遣十余名士兵至无人小岛佩雷吉尔,以做为镇压非法移民和恐怖主义行动的一部份。Rabat authorities dispatched about a dozen soldiers to the uninhabited island perejil on the11th as part of its crackdown on illegal immigrants and counter-terrorist operation.