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她是湿婆的配偶。She is the consort of Shiva.

湿婆神和沙克蒂深深相爱。Shiva and Shakthi are deeply in love.

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所有的男人都是湿婆神,女人都是沙克蒂。All men are Shiva and all women are Shakthi.

柏威夏寺供奉的是湿婆神。Preah Vihear Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

很快,被困在当地的莱娅就遇见了阿伦·武安君。Stranded on Shiva IV, Leia soon met Aron Peacebringer.

看到珍和她姨妈,希瓦质问他们在做什么。See Jane and her aunt, shiva questioning what there doing.

节日活动留下了给印度教湿婆神的供品。Festivalgoers leave offerings for the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.

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希瓦是位于“顶轮”的最高意识。Shiva is the supreme consciousness seated in sahasrara chakra.

希瓦之夜就是单单的苏醒过来并体验希瓦。To simply wake-up and experience this Shiva tattva is Shivratri.

正要去更衣间的珍,碰到正巧回到家的希瓦。Was going to the locker room, Jane met just returned home shiva.

圣达菲牧场的席瓦.莫拉德法认为她的家会幸免于难。Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire.

珍佳然来到希瓦家里,希瓦见到珍佳然感觉十分无奈。Jane ran to shiva home beautiful, shiva see Jane but feel very helpless.

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那位大师,Guruji,是体现湿婆意志的“演员”。The master, Guruji, is the "actor" playing the part of the will of Shiva.

阿伦·武安君是希瓦四号行星上一位英勇传奇的卡利安人。Aron Peacebringer is a heroic and legendary Calian from the planet Shiva IV.

在这个独特的图式——舞王像里,湿婆正在为人们的无知而起舞。In this particular form, Nataraja, Shiva is dancing upon the ignorance of man.

希瓦母亲找到妮查达医生,并让她把网站打开。Shiva mother found her check up to the doctor, and let her to open the web site.

如果你想尝试新鲜或不同的事物,可以打打太极拳或跳湿婆舞。If you’re looking for something new or different, check out Tai Chi or Shiva Nata.

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若瑟卡危言耸听的告诉希瓦如果不能和他结婚,珍佳然宁愿去死。Joseph alarmist told shiva if you cant marry him, Jane but would rather go to dead.

希瓦大吃一惊,问起为什么要和他结婚,因为两人根本就没有爱情可言。Shiva was surprised and asked why want to marry him, because no two people in love.

我保持门一直为你敞开,就像约书亚,弥赛亚,库图弥,和湿婆一样。And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva.