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这话似乎激怒了王子。This seemed to exasperate the Prince.

激怒或激怒某人写辱骂人身攻击。To Enrage or exasperate someone is to write an abusive personal attack.

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这么多年,那些小后生们,可都沉不住气了。So can all sink not to live to exasperate for several annuals, those small youth men,.

双关语用滥了看了令人生厌,荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律,错误的拼写使人读起来特别吃力。Puns exasperate after a while, tall tales have a certain sameness, misspelling is a strain to read.

美国银行的分析师也表达了他们对雅虎广告前景恶化的担心。The analyst of American bank also expressed their exasperate to Yahoo advertisement foreground concern.

你们做父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,只要照着主的教训和警戒养育他们。Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

一个生气的人愤怒之举会让我们对他感到的愤怒比对敌人感到的愤怒还要大。The furious behaviour of an angry man is more likely to exasperate us against himself than against his enemies.

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发展中国家贸易条件的持续恶化使人们对比较优势战略的有效性产生了怀疑。The continual exasperate terms of trade in developing countries makes people be suspicious of the comparative advantage strategy.

明代言官与阁臣的关系经历了一个由和谐到恶化的过程。The relation between supervisors and cabinet ministers came through the process from harmonious to exasperate in the Ming Dynasty.

但是,许许多多的国旗还在欧洲飘扬,边境依然剑拔弩张,大批军队正在屯积新的装备。But a multitude of flags still waves in Europe, the frontiers still exasperate , great armies accumulate fresh stores of equipment.

研究区局部的生态环境恶化趋势得到控制,但是整个地区持续恶化的趋势却没有得到根本性的扭转。Entironment in partial study area had been meliorated , but the durative and exasperate trend in whole area had not altered at all.

因此,我们有责任感的这些人认为我们要关心甚至他们保险公司会激怒我们的人,或他们连保险也没有。Hence the responsibility most of us feel to take care of people even when their insurers exasperate us, or when they have no insurance at all.

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用含氯自来水淋浴可能导致或者恶化皮肤瘙痒、皮疹或是皮肤干燥的情况并导致发干受损。With contain shower of chloric tap water to may bring about Sao of exasperate perhaps skin urticant, rash or it is the skin dry circumstance causes hair dry damage.

随之而来的心理后果恶化他的酗酒问题,酗酒导致他失去他的工作,以及他的婚姻。Subsequently and the psychological consequence that come is exasperate his excessive drinking problem, excessive drinking brings about him to lose his job, and his marriage.

取消福利是最轻易直接激怒员工的手段之一,感到愤怒的员工会失去努力工作的动力,甚至产生报复行为。Cancelling welfare is one of methods of the easiest and direct exasperate employee, feel indignant employee can lose the power that work hard, produce revengeful action even.

针对草地生态系统日益恶化的趋势,提出了实现生态建设和经济社会协调可持续发展的对策和建议。Based on exasperate tendency of grassland ecological system, the strategy which would realize ecological construction and economic with social sustainable development was put forward.

结论在多种不利因素的耦合作用下,银川平原生态环境有进一步恶化的趋势,形成生态环境易受损机理。Conclusion Under the coupling effect of multi-adverse factor, the farther exasperate trend is embodied in Yinchuan plain′s eco-environment, and the easily injured mechanism is formed.

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这些因素直接导致社会总有效需求的不足,并恶化消费者的收入预期,从而导致消费的持续低迷。These elements bring about a society directly the inadequacy of total significant demand, the income of exasperate consumer anticipates, the abidance that brings about consumption thereby is low fan.