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我看过了我的星座运程。I said I have read my horoscope.

炼金术受到了占星术影响。Alchemy is influenced by horoscope.

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他的职业是替人算命。Drawing up other's horoscope is his job.

我今天在网上看了自己的星座运程。I did my--I got my horoscope for today on the web.

命盘中的第八宫是很复杂的。The eighth house of the horoscope is very complex.

horoscope的前缀也来自希腊语。The prefix in the word horoscope is also from Greek.

你关注自己的星座,可能只是为了找个乐子。If you look at your horoscope at all it’s likely for fun.

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你应该找一个占星家,让他告诉你你的星象。You should go to an astrologer to have your horoscope read.

今天,按照占星术的说法,我应该开始健康养生计划。Today my horoscope says that I should start a fitness regime.

天宫图上的植物没有一种被以为是呆笨的或貌寝的或凶险的。No animwouls of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.

昨晚我施法占星术时选中了你。I considered you while doing my Horoscope last night, and meditated.

我每天早上都看我的运程,但其实我不信它。I read my horoscope every morning, but I don't really believe in it.

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朱意花早已熟悉中国星象中的12个动物生肖。Zhu Yihua is already f with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.

天啊!俺星象还说啥今天俺会好过哩,简直错错错!Man! My horoscope was so wrong when it said I was going to have a good day.

我们不能仅仅通过占星或者!星象图来判断自己或他人。We can not judge ourselves or others according to astrology or horoscope chart.

看到了吗,我看挺好的。让一个星象控制你的生活真是荒谬。See, that sounds good to me. It's ridiculous to let a horoscope control your life.

其实我根本不看我的星相图,而马克认为这完全是浪费钱。‘I don’t even read my horoscope and Mark thought it was a complete waste of money.

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我叔叔姐姐的儿子的星座运势说,如果他那天上班穿吊带裤。So my uncle's older sister's son's horoscope said if he wore suspenders to work one day.

你得改掉这个每天都算命的习惯,亡羊补牢为时未晚。You really should break the habit of reading your horoscope every day, before it's too late.

在她的占星第四主是木星这表明她是家庭,在现实生活中必然的女孩。In her horoscope fourth lord is Jupiter which shows that she is home-bound girl in real life.