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这是一场科学的争辩。That's scientific talk.

一个科学主讲人?A scientific explainer-in-chief?

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始终使用科学记数法。Always use in scientific notation.

科学隐喻应是可检验的。Scientific metaphors are verifiable.

玻意耳定律是一项科学原理。Boyle's law is a scientific principle.

安慰剂仍然是科学谜团。Placebos are still a scientific mystery.

已有大量无可辩驳的科学证据显示,气候在持续变化。The scientific evidence is overwhelming.

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猪流感“又叫甲型H1N1流感。The swine flu's scientific name is H1N1.

因为应用科学就是科学革命的本质The essence of the scientific revolution.

它们与重复的科学试验不同。They are not repeatable scientific tests.

我们应该有科学的怀疑态度。We should have the scientific skepticism.

什么是科学的矫正视力?What is scientific correctional eyesight?

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科学管理推动了生产。Scientific management promotes production.

刑事处罚不科学。The criminal punishment is not scientific.

取缔每一本破坏自然法则的书?Ban every book that breaks scientific laws?

学理性和文学性俱佳的文本形式。The good scientific and literary text form.

这些人们都有非常广泛的科学兴趣。These people had broad scientific interests.

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解梦具有一定科学根据。Dream Interpreting Has Some Scientific Basis.

捏造数据是十恶不赦的科学之罪。Fabricating data is a heinous scientific sin.

杰克醉心于科研。Jack is enamoured with scientific researches.