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国际货币基金组织和世界银行胁持整个国家。The IMF & World Bank take hostage entire nations.

国际货币基金组织总裁因酒店性侵犯案被收监,禁止保释。IMF chief jailed without bail in NY hotel-sex case.

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世界上有187个国家属于国际货币基金组织。One hundred eighty-seven nations belong to the IMF.

他亦表示,欧洲处理得不好,令IMF难以行事.He too said the IMF had been dealt a poor hand by Europe.

IMF认为明年英国将超越美国。And the IMF envisages Britain outgrowing America next year.

尖点重联的聚类调查及其IMF信赖。Cluster survey of cusp reconnection and its IMF dependence.

一项国际货币基金组织计划下的改革现在也陷于危险之中。Reforms promised under an IMF programme are now jeopardised.

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IMF是个全球主义者组织。像联合国一样,应该被解散。IMF is a globalist organization. Like then it should be disbanded.

这个承诺是可以被监控的,而且应该被货币基金组织监控。These commitments should be monitorable, and monitored by the IMF.

国际货币基金组织既没有国民收入,也没有权力对其成员国课税。The IMF has no national income and no authority to tax its members.

国际货币基金组织和世界银行指出中国人的收入水平比Maddison给出的数据要低。IMF and World Bank figures put Chinese incomes lower than Mr Maddison's.

特别提款权是作为补充国际货币基金组织成员国的现有储备而运行。SDRs operate as supplements to the existing reserves of IMF member nations.

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之后他向IMF和他的妻子,法国电视台名人记者安妮-辛克莱尔道歉。He apologised to IMF staff and his wife, French TV personality Anne Sinclair.

基金组织最近结束了对特别提款权货币篮子五年一度的审查。The IMF recently concluded the quinquennial review of the SDR currency basket.

更大的一个问题涉及货币基金组织与欧盟未来的合作。An even bigger question involves the future co-operation between the IMF and EU.

但国际货币基金组织指出,各大主要城市的房价依然存在泡沫.But the IMF points out that property prices in major cities still look "bubbly".

不过,IMF面临着合法性降低和代表率不足的问题。But the IMF suffers from problems of eroding legitimacy and inadequate leverage.

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英国经济今年会迎来自1946年以来最大的收缩,IMF预计。The U.K. economy will shrink this year by the most since 1946, the IMF forecasts.

国际货币基金组织正式决定恢复我国的代表权。April 17, 1980 the IMF decided to resume the formal representation of our country.

货币基金组织正在做的是其职责所在,但它们看来也似乎需要更多帮助。The IMF is doing exactly what it was set up to do, but will likely need more help.