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白茅根能清热利尿。Cogongrass Rhizome clears heat and induces diuresis.

强迫利尿,例如管理巴比妥中毒。Forced diuresis e. g. management of barbiturate poisoning.

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临床上,这常表现为多尿期。This is frequently noted clinically as a period of diuresis.

它的排毒、利尿的功效让你有个好身材。It's platoon poison, diuresis effect let you have a good figure.

抗利尿激素分泌失调综合症的治疗?Fight diuresis hormone to secrete the cure of maladjusted syndrome?

这主要是由于渗透性利尿失水所致。Because osmotic diuresis dehydrates , this basically is be caused by.

绿豆可以清热解毒、利尿消肿。The mungbean may the clearing heat and detoxication, the diuresis detumescence.

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芹菜汁也可作为利尿和轻泻剂以及降压良药。Celery juice also can serve as diuresis and aperient and step-down fine medicine.

这个季节的食物要能消暑解热,利尿消肿。This seasonal food wants can disappear heat solution is hot, diuresis detumescence.

有些激素药可以治,还有肌肉舒张剂、利尿剂和止痛剂等药物。Some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation , diuresis and analgesics.

误治变证的成因包括误汗、误下、误吐、误火和误利小便。The causes included mistreatment of perspiration, purgation, emetic therapy and diuresis.

注意适量地补充水份,避免喝浓茶、咖啡和酒类等利尿饮品。Replace fluid lost adequately . avoid taking tea , coffee and alcohol as they induce diuresis.

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我们试着用些激素制剂,肌肉松弛剂,利尿剂和止痛剂。Let's try some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation, diuresis and analgesics.

番茄吃新鲜的番茄可以利尿及去除腿部疲惫,减少水肿。It is OK that tomato has fresh tomato diuresis and exhaustion of purify leg ministry, reduce oedema.

婆婆丁的主要功能是清热解毒,消肿和利尿。The main function of mother-in-law man is clear hot detoxify , subsidence of a swelling and diuresis.

另外梨有利尿作用,夜尿频者,睡前要少吃梨。Additionally pear has diuresis effect, nocturnal frequent micturition person, before sleeping, want to eat pear less.

可采用利尿药、腹膜透析、人工肾等加速毒物排出体外。Can use peritoneal and diuresis medicine, dialytic , artificial kidney to wait outside quickening poison eduction body.

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录病患有横纹肌溶解症之病徵时,须立即探取大量输液、碱化尿液及利尿剂治疗以预防进一步之肾功能衰竭。Early recognition and aggressive treatment with intravenous fluid and diuresis may prevent the development of acute renal failure.

仔细检查低血压或术后血压下降的病人,应该完成利尿,处理低血压原因。Careful examination of patients with hypotension or low postoperative diuresis should be performed and the cause should be treated.

由于高效率人工利尿和尿钠增多,多数病人被建议用髓襻利尿剂远此噻嗪类多。Most patients are prescribed loop diuretics rather than thiazides due to the higher efficiency of induced diuresis and natriuresis.