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法国的麦道克酒是一种很好的酒…Medoc is a very good wine.

从任何角度欣赏都是一款很有陈年潜力的梅多克好酒。Grand wine for long ageing from a great Médoc vintage in all aspects.

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大宝庄除了在美度区拥有产业外,有没有收购其他庄园的动向?Does Chateau Talbot buy out any wineries in other areas outside Medoc?

我们拥有美度区第二大面积的108公顷的葡萄园。We also have the second largest planting area of 108 hectares in Medoc.

梅多克产区最佳品质和最著名的城堡酒庄都位于梅多克高地。The Haut-Médoc is where the best and most famous Médoc Chateaux are located.

梅铎克坐落于波尔多北部,纪隆德和左岸。The Médoc is situated north of the town of Bordeaux, on the left bank of the Gironde.

上世纪初,利斯塔克属于梅铎克最大的葡萄酒产区。At the beginning of the last century, Listrac was one of the largest appellation in Médoc.

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风土以外,葡萄品种也会影响梅铎里葡萄酒的风格。In addition to the Terroir, grape varieties used also affect the styles of wines in Medoc.

酒体厚重,饱满圆润,单宁紧密,是一款非常典型的梅多克佳酿。In mouth there is a nice volume, full and tannic, without any stiffness Very classic Médoc.

梅多克高地位于法国波尔多酒区中梅多克产区的南部。Haut-Médoc is the southern portion of the Médoc district located in France's Bordeaux region.

产自波尔多北部梅多克葡萄园的葡萄酒是最具波尔多特性的典范。Medoc wine from the vineyard on the north of Bordeaux is the most typical Bordeaux character.

梅多克玛歌产区是世界最知名的名号之一。The village appellation of Margaux in the Médoc is surely one of the best known in the world.

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饱满浓郁,单宁紧实,典型的梅多克强劲历练的结构。A frank attack that opens out onto tight tannins with a typical robust structure of the Medoc.

圣爱斯泰产区是梅多克地区六个产区中最北部的一个。The appellation of Saint-Estèphe is the most northerly of the six village appellations of the Médoc.

梅多克是最早重植卡本奈赤霞珠的地区,这里酿造出很多世界最顶级的红葡萄酒。The Médoc is the land of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety and produces some of the world's greatest wines.

这里被认为是法国波尔多酒区梅多克产区内的最佳产区。This appellation considered one of the best areas within the Médoc district of France's Bordeaux region.

玛歌产区内有二十一个顶级葡萄酒庄,比其他任何一个梅多克产区都要多。The Margaux AOC has twenty-one Cru Classé Châteaux, more than any of the other Médoc commune appellations.

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以上的分级制度,纵然不少它们的酒都拥有梅铎高级酒或圣特美伦高级酒的质素。C. even though many of those wines carry the quality of a Medoc Cru Bourgeois or a Saint-Emilion Grand Cru.

我想你肯定听过波尔多的大名,但你知道梅铎在波尔多的地位有多重要?You must have heard about the big name of Bordeaux, but do you know that Medoc is an important part of Bordeaux?

在梅铎的高级酒当中,好梅铎区比梅铎区的酒更易饮,因为其丹宁较少。Among Medoc's Cru Bourgeois, Haut-Medoc is an Appellation more easy-drinking than Medoc because it has less tannins.