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那女人一定是格丽丝·普尔。That woman must have been Grace Poole.

那女人正是格雷斯·普尔。That woman was no other than Grace Poole.

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白色底,灰色的围边,中间为一个蓝色的餐盘。House poole -a blue plate on white with a grey tressure.

巨型天然港普尔港是船只的避风港。The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.

法德在芝加哥继续布道,普尔就成了他的牧师。Fard set up operations in Chicago, and Poole became his minister.

有罗文的帮助,席恩把珍妮·普尔套进松鼠的衣服里。With Rowan's help, Theon got Jeyne Poole into Squirrel's clothes.

“好冷,”珍妮·普尔蹒跚在西恩身边啜泣着说。"It's cold, " Jeyne Poole whimpered as she stumbled along at Theon's side.

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在该信的信封上盖有普尔市邮局的邮戳,吉斯林说。An envelope within the letter was postmarked by the Poole post office, Kisling said.

末端的水平,在新开的安全与斯坦利·普尔摊位。At the very end of the level, in the newly opened security booth with Stanley Poole.

珍妮·普尔凝视着下面的霍丽,盖过她的雪逐渐被染成红色。Jeyne Poole was staring down at Holly as the snowy blanket over her turned from white to red.

贾里德普尔澳大利亚设计师设计并开发了宏伟的海员居住。Australian designer Jared Poole has designed and developed the magnificent Seafarer Residence.

该市于248年获得自治权,现在普尔是一个港口及造船中心,并拥有多种工业。Chartered in 248, Poole is a port and shipbuilding center with varied industries. Population, 20,000.

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我听到一个不像人发出的奇怪声音,然后是楼上顶层的关门声。There was a strange, inhuman sound, then I heard a door shut upstairs on the top floor. 'Was that Grace Poole?

东南德克萨斯浸信会医院发言人玛丽·普尔说,医院正在救治车祸受害者。Mary Poole spokeswoman for Baptist Hospital of Southeast Texas says her facility is treating some of the victims.

采访引述普尔的话称,政府需要解救这两家抵押贷款公司的可能性在上升.Chances are increasing that the government may need to bail out the two mortgage companies, Poole was quoted as saying.

曼城马上给予反击,普勒20码的非常有威胁的凌空抽射让门将古拉克斯用手轻松化解。City responded with a wicked 20-yard snapshot from Poole which rookie goalkeeper Peter Gulacsi did very well to palm away.

考虑到传统的圣诞树太危险,并且昂贵,普尔委员会买来锥形假圣诞树。The fake cone-shaped Christmas tree was bought by Poole Council because of concerns a traditional tree is too dangerous and expensive.

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珍妮·普尔发出一声极端尖利的叫声。“哦,该死的,”霍丽说。“毫无疑问这下会把那些喽啰们都引来。快跑!”Jeyne Poole let out a shrill, high scream. "Oh, bloody shit, " said Holly. "That will bring the kneelers down on us, and no mistake. Run! "

一辆由制造巧克力产生的废料转化成的生物燃料驱动的卡车,将从英国南部海岸的普尔市出发,进行一场慈善之旅,并抵达西非的马里。A truck, fuelled by the biofuel, will set out from Poole on the English south coast to Mali in West Africa later this month on a charity mission.

普尔还表示,米爱卡这个象群中的其它成员也被人们发现能够发出类似的声音,而这种声音和以前曾记录在案的任何一种大象的叫声都明显不同。Poole said others in Mlaika's group have been heard to make a similar noise, which is quite different from any call previously recorded in elephants.