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什么样的链条?What the chain?

确定关键链。Identify key chain.

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他是一个老烟鬼。He's a chain smoker.

他是个烟鬼.He's a chain smoker.

我是一个老烟鬼。I am a chain smoker.

他是个抽烟抽的很狠的人。He is a chain smoker.

连锁店赔钱了。The chain lost money.

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他是个老烟鬼。He was a chain smoker.

我想要一条银项链。I want a silver chain.

这是一条银链。This is a silver chain.

是啊,我是个老烟鬼。Right. I'm a chain smoker.

从链子上拆下一个链环。Detach a link from a chain.

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我的钥匙串挂在匙链上。My keys dangled from a chain.

用Teet自己的链子吊起他。Hang Teets with his own chain.

金属匙链拉钉。Metal spoon chain puller bolt.

环链葫芦是葫芦的一种。Chain hoist is a kind of gourd.

我的自行车掉链子了。The chain of my bicycle is off.

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化合物3是一维螺旋结构。Compound 3 is a 1D spiral chain.

他从链子上拆下一个链环。He detached a link from a chain.

拆下机油泵的链条盖。Remove chain cover for oil pump.