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正是“间隔年”令她开始了长达一年的旅行。It was a "gap year" that led to her yearlong journey.

此外在义乌要拿到一整年的商业签证相对容易些,这也是伊拉克人青睐该地的另一大因素。Another factor is the relative ease of obtaining a yearlong business visa.

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当然,我们做决定——例如,签下一年期的交响乐门票。Sure, we make choices -- sign up for yearlong symphony tickets, for example.

这项为期一年的活动被命名为“机器人250”,而今年也恰逢匹兹堡建城250周年。The yearlong program, called Robot 250, coincides with the city's 250th birthday.

两组成员在持续一年的锻炼计划开始前和结束后都接受了记忆力测试。Both groups were given memory tests before and after the yearlong exercise program.

在她研究生二年级时,威尔斯曼陷入严重的持续了整整一年的抑郁症。During her second year of grad school, Wiersma fell into a severe, yearlong depression.

港澳专用加签证及一年长期证,效期均延长为三年。Special visas to Hong Kong and Macao, and yearlong visas may be extended for three years.

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但他没发现经过一年的不行练习他的耐力更好了。But he did notice he had more physical stamina after the yearlong aerobic walking program.

1909年3月后离开办公室,开始了为期一年的入门非洲Safari和缺口296杀死。After leaving office in March 1909, T. R. embarked on a yearlong African safari and notched 296 kills.

政府将在今年晚些时候实施劳动力向农业转移安置的政策。But the government is going ahead with plans to begin yearlong farm intern placements later this year.

作为冠军得主,汉纳将成为德雷克大学和该校今年的田径运动会的官方吉祥物。As the winner, Hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the Relays and Drake University.

作为冠军得主,汉纳将成为本年度接力赛和德雷克大学的官方吉祥物。As the winner , hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the relays and drake university.

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去年,当这家公司脱离长达一年的破产保护时,其原有股东在该公司的投资已变得分文不值。Last year, when Six Flags Entertainment Corp. exited a yearlong stint in bankruptcy, shareholders were wiped out.

裴洛维奇也是席巴海冰研究站的首席科学家,他搭乘的破冰船与北极浮冰冻结在一块儿,一起漂流了一年。Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA, a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice.

这位歌唱家在和胰腺癌进行了一年的斗争后,在当地时间周四凌晨5点于意大利摩德纳的家中逝世,享年71岁。Thursday morning, local time, at his home in Modena, Italy, after a yearlong battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 71.

为了测量原始景观区域范围,费伊整整一年都在艰辛的徒步穿越从刚果到加蓬的非洲森林。Fay endured a yearlong trek across African forests from Congo to Gabon, surveying the region's still pristine landscape.

肥满度、蛋白质、脂肪和糖原的周年变化与繁殖季节有关。The yearlong changes of the meat condition index, proteins, lipids, and glycogen correlated with the reproductive season.

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直到周四上午,JP摩根的律师们还在和贝尔斯登的同行们这个为期1年的承诺。By Tuesday morning, J.P. Morgan's lawyers were arguing with their counterparts at Bear Stearns over the yearlong guarantee.

六大技术公司之间曾经存在不挖对方员工的协议,而美国政府对该协议展开了整整一年的调查。The government had conducted a yearlong investigation into agreements among companies not to poach employees from each other.

雌性儒艮怀孕一年后才会产出一个小儒艮,然后由母亲儒艮帮助没有经验的小儒艮穿出水面作第一次呼吸。Female dugongs have one calf after a yearlong pregnancy, and the mother helps her young reach the surface and take its first breath.