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我已经好几天没有萨姆,我的Kroll联系人的消息了。I hadn't heard from Sam, my Kroll contact, in days.

搜索几个月后无果而终,他的母亲找到了Kroll。After months of fruitless searching, his mother turned to Kroll.

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经过几个月毫无结果的寻找,他的母亲转向克罗尔。After months of fruitless searching, his mother turned to Kroll.

因此而言,我想看看克劳尔法,制备钛的工艺。And so, for that, I want to look at the production of titanium by the Kroll process.

我们希望克罗尔将能够参考其他代理商的价格,从航空公司获得更好的价格。We hope Kroll will be able to refer the price of other agents, to get the better prices from airline.

萨姆解释说,该公司意识到自己将要输掉这场公关斗争后,立即重新部署,并雇请了科罗尔公司。Sam explained that once the company realized it was losing the PR battle, it regrouped and hired Kroll.

原告方与贝里斯坦有没有可能串通一气,精心挑选了受访者呢?科罗尔公司希望我能查个水落石出。Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees? Kroll wanted me to find out.

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该公司很快发现,父亲和儿子一道前往古巴,克罗尔是能够谈判父亲的扣留。The firm soon discovered that father and son were going to Cuba, where Kroll was able to negotiate the father's detainment.

Kroll和MacIsaac略述了软件开发的原则,并为每一条原则提供了很多可支持的实例。Kroll and MacIsaac outline proven principles for software development, and supply a number of supporting practices for each.

Kroll的招募人员,也就是跟我联系的那位朋友看起来是不太愿意在电话里跟我讲太多,还暗示见面联系比较好。The Kroll recruiter my friend put me in touch with didn't seem eager to talk over the phone, suggesting it would be easier to meet in person.

政府要求保健机构报告影响500人以上的违规事件,因此Kroll称报告小规模违规事件的次数将增加。Heathcare entities are required to report breaches affecting 500 or more people, so Kroll says there will be an increase in reports of small scale breaches.

四氯化钛和镁,反应生成氯化镁和钛,1937年W。J。克劳尔发明了这个方法。And, this involves the reaction of titanium tetrachloride with magnesium to form magnesium chloride plus titanium And, this was invented in 1937 by W. J. Kroll.

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Kroll认为公司不应该仅仅依靠技术解决安全问题,还应该对员工进行培训,告诉他们如何识别问题和自己的义务。Rather than relying solely on technology fixes for security issues, Kroll says companies should also train employees on how to recognize issues and obligations.

我朋友安排我与一名科罗尔公司的招募人员联系,这位老兄似乎不愿意在电话里多说,而是邀请我去波哥大的一家豪华酒店与他共度整个周末。The Kroll recruiter my friend put me in touch with didn't seem eager to talk over the phone. He invited me to join him for a long weekend at a luxury hotel in Bogotá.

金融时报报导称,除标准普尔、穆迪和惠誉都雇佣的量化专家以外,Kroll还计划让他的调查技巧发挥作用.Along with quantitative experts such as those employed by Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, Kroll plans to bring his investigative skills to bear, the FT reported.

Kroll说,目前公众对这位新总统的偏爱,也令漫画家更难以下笔,因为漫画往往就得突出一个人的的外貌缺点。Kroll said positive public sentiment toward the incoming U.S. president might also make it harder for caricaturists whose portraits have to underline a person's weaknesses and flaws.