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这是面凸面镜。This is a convex mirror.

形石斧一边凸起的石制工具。A stone tool with a convex side.

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凸透镜是用来放大图像。Convex glass is used to magnify an image.

局部凸的模糊拓扑向量空间。Locally convex I-topological vector space.

平面镜、凸透镜和凹透镜。Plane mirrors, convex lens and concave lens.

各种凹凸形圆孤面修磨,抛光。Polish various convex and concave arc faces.

在他的地图上,地球表面呈圆凸状。On his map, the surface of the earth is convex.

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凸函数是一类重要的函数。Convex function is an significant type of function.

所述的凸台由圆柱体和圆锥体两部分组成。The convex plate consists of a cylinder and a cone.

能够产生放大图像的单个凸透镜。A single convex lens is used to produce an enlarged image.

封头,筒节,锥体及平盖等凸起公差要求。Convex tolerance for head, conical part and plate cover etc.

那具死婴正凸着双目,狠狠地瞪着我。That dead baby is just convex double eyes, ruthlessly stare me.

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文中描述了一种保凸参数拟合方法。This paper given describes a convex persevering fitting method.

给出了一类凸模糊集的表示定理。We investigate the representation theorems of convex fuzzy sets.

它为什么有个凸起的外壳呢?What causes the conversion and why does it have a convex casing?

采用了基于多边形凸包的方法提取弦线。Based on polygon convex hull method, the chord line is extracted.

它的侧背面是微微的黄色,并且均匀的突起。The dorsal surface of its cuttlebone is yellowish and evenly convex.

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给出了凸模糊锥的两种定义方法。In this paper, we present two approaches to define convex fuzzy cone.

正象双凸透镜可以放大那样,双凹透镜也可以缩小。Just AS a double convex lens enlarges, so a double concave lens reduces.

该算法同时适用于凸多边形和凹多边形,并具有较好的区分度和匹配准确性。This algorithm can be used for both the convex and the concave contours.