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你才是白痴。You're an idiot.

朱丽叶是个白痴。Juliet is an idiot.

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我真是一个大白痴。I was such an idiot.

你真是个白痴。You are stupid idiot.

呃,我感觉像自己是个白痴。Duh. I felt like an idiot.

我知道,我是个大白痴。I know. I'm such an idiot.

开博的那个家伙就是个白痴。That guy is just an idiot.

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白痴的智商低于正常水平。An idiot has a subnormal IQ.

快出来,你这个傻瓜。Get out of there, you idiot.

他简直是个痴子。He is next door to an idiot.

它是一个愚人所讲的罥故事。It is a tale told by an idiot.

他是广播界最出色的白痴。He's the best idiot on the radio.

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我从来没叫过你曼纽尔,笨蛋。I never called you Manuel, idiot.

胜过白痴无聊的媚眼。Better the flat leer of the idiot.

亲爱的读者,假设你是一个白痴。Reader, suppose you were an idiot.

听说你钓了一个有钱的蠢货。I heard you hooked up a rich idiot.

我的表姐猜想你是个白痴哩。My cousin fancies you are an idiot.

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哇,这个白痴。Everybody thought, whoa, this idiot.

他是个糊涂虫把自己的眼镜也丢了。He was an idiot to lose his glasses.

夏洛特心里暗骂“笨蛋”。", "Idiot", Charlotte cursed inside.