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每一天醒来,你的清影就在我眼前转。Each day wakes, your clear shade in my eye anteversion.

目的探讨一种股骨颈前倾角术中新的测量方法。Objective To probe a new approach the measurement of femoral anteversion.

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一个常见的失误是不经意地使臼杯过于前倾。A common error is to inadvertently insert the cup in too much anteversion.

臼杯与股骨假体柄联合前倾45度是手术追求的目标14。An overall combined cup and stem anteversion of 45 degrees should be aimed for. 14

结论髋臼前倾角的发育在儿童期较为缓慢。Conclusions The development of acetabular anteversion in children is a slow process.

手术可改变髋臼前倾角,部分会至异常范围。The operation to correct hip dysplasia produced an abnormality in acetabular anteversion.

过去的文献中有许多量测股骨前倾角的方法。Various methods measuring canine femoral neck anteversion have been proposed in literatures.

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目的探讨正常儿童与髋脱位儿童髋臼前倾角的变化情况。Objective To compare the acetabular anteversion difference between developmental dysplasia of hip and normal controls.

结论先天性髋脱位的髋臼前倾角与正常相似,在手术复位过程中髋臼前倾角会有改变。Conclusion Acetabular anteversion in the dysplasia hips resembled the normal side. Acetabular anteversion can be changed in the operation.

作为补偿,这类股骨柄多数在颈部融入一定度数的前倾角,需区分左右侧。Most such stems hae a few degrees of anteversion built into the neck to compensate for this, and separate right and left stems are required.

另一个倾向是臼杯插入器过于垂直,这也使得组件相对于骨盆本身过于前倾。There is a tendency to hold the cup inserter too vertical, which imparts excessive anteversion to the component relative to the native pelvis.

目的比较单张X线片一次成像测量股骨颈前倾角法与CT法的差异。Objective To compare the accuracy of measuring femoral neck anteversion angle between a new method, single X-ray film, and the conventional CT method.

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记者留意到,患有耳疾的他,听不清台下学生的提问,便从座位上站起来前倾着身子。Reporter the pay attention, contracts ear vigorous him, cannot hear clearly under the stage student's inquiry, then stands from the seat the anteversion body.

全髋关节置换的效果与髋臼前倾角、外展角、股骨头旋转中心及偏心距、假体的受力密切相关。In addition, the effect of total hip replacement is highly correlated with acetabular anteversion angle, femoral head rotation center and eccentricity, and force.

术后所有患者双下肢基本等长,髋臼外展角及前倾角、股骨偏心距和前倾角基本恢复至初次手术前水平。Lower leg discrepancy, acetabular abduction, anteversion femoral offest and collodiaphyseal angle were restored to normal level after operation on the basis of X-ray.