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那个人口齿不十分清楚。The man is not very articulate.

那个人口齿不甚清楚。That man is not very articulate.

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他们想要一个能言会道的冠军。They want a champion who is articulate.

他有很强的表达力、并且机智聪明。He's very articulate and I know he's clever.

对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.

对手的眼白明确表达着恨。我的智慧在把它实践。The whites of my target-eyes articulate hate.

他聪明善言还有良知。He's clever and articulate and has a conscience.

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那就让冷暖自知的心成为自己永远的包袱。Then let articulate the heart become ever albatross.

虽是89岁高龄,他依然思维敏捷、口齿清楚。At the age of 89, he was still sharp-witted and articulate.

婴儿仅啼哭和咯咯作声,却无法清晰的发音。A baby cries and gurgles but does not use articulate speech.

婴儿仅啼哭和咯咯作声,却无法清晰地发音。A baby cries and gurgles but does not use articulate speech.

而且不久之后,我们又象语言狂人一样喋喋不休地倾诉起爱意。Soon we, too, were talking like articulate maniacs re our love.

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我们可能会通过直觉分辨,但是我们能不能清晰地道出原因呢We sort of all know this intuitively but can we articulate why?

受伤后骨的关节不如以前连接得好。After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.

但是消费者不会,提出很好的新点子。But the customer won't always articulate the brilliant new idea.

通常来讲,女孩子比男孩子口齿更伶俐。It is believed that girls are usually more articulate than boys.

但是许多学生领袖表现得能言且冷静。But many of the student leaders appear articulate and reasonable.

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她逐渐变作一个镇定自若、言谈清晰的年轻女性。She is maturing into a self-possessed and articulate young woman.

我们尊重我们文化中能够高度精确或逻辑的阐明事理的人物。We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture.

分节语的产生是这一时期的主要成就。The development of articulate speech is the main result of this period.